Tuesday, May 31, 2016

34 weeks.

How far along? 34 weeks
Total weight gain: 16 pounds, but I haven't been on the scale. I will be at my OB appt this week so next week will have an updated weight gain.
Maternity clothes? After attempting to dress this bump for yet another week at work, I was eye-balling these shorts sitting on the chair in my bedroom.. for half a second I thought "how bad would it  actually be if I wore shorts and a tee shirt to work?"  I also thought that maybe my yoga capris would be a step above the shorts.. and then put on the same maxi skirt I wore three times the week before and called it a day. Besides I'm counting down the days of work left and we're at 23!
Sleep:  Sleep is pretty good. I've started to toss and turn a lot more and wake with back pain, but it's not awful and I'd rather deal with that than insomnia like I hear so many more experience.
Best moment this week: by far was the long weekend! I needed it, I'm telling you I think the world would be a better place if 3 day weekends were a permanent thing.  
Miss Anything? Its been a good week.. nothing to complain about! 
Cravings: I feel like my cravings are subsiding. Although the today I was hungry all day and couldn't figure out what I wanted to eat so I ate a bunch of random stuff and ended the day with an ice cream cone and all was well with the world.
Symptoms: No real complaints.
Looking forward to: Marking things off our summer 'to-do' list before baby boy arrives. We've gotten a few more things checked off the list this weekend.  My baby shower is this weekend so I am SUPER excited about that! I am so looking forward to getting all of his this set up! Mostly because I want to start working with our dogs and getting them used to all the new gadgets around the house before we add a whole new person to the mix, because lets face it they are our whole world currently! I mean I even let Fitzgerald use my snoogle...

I still cannot believe I am going to have a tiny person to wear this in just a handful of weeks.

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