Thursday, June 9, 2016

35 weeks.

How far along? 35 weeks + a couple days because this post is kinda late this week, but for good reason.
Total weight gain: 17 pounds
Maternity clothes? maxi skirts and tank tops - the equivalent to pajamas in pregnancy life, but easier to get away with while in public. 
Sleep: I have really good nights of sleep and some lousy ones, mostly good though. Every since being married I've been an early riser and its these few weeks before baby that I'm wishing I wasn't because I could use the extra sleep time now I know it! *heres to having a baby who is a good sleeper*
Best moment this week: This weekend was my baby shower,s o that for sure was the best momentS of the week! David and I couldn't get over all the LOVE that was shown to us and more importantly our sweet little guy! We cannot wait for you all to meet him! Heck, we can't wait to meet him!
Miss Anything? I am SO ready to sleep on my tummy again. Have I said that already? Probably. Now more than ever I am appreciating how much more comfortable I am to sleep on my tummy!
Cravings:  Nothing new from the normal, except I've been wanting iced coffee. I think it has a lot to do with this gorgeous weather and I'm trying to tame that caffeine craving. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Symptoms:  I've been having a hard time finding a comfortable way to sit/lay/sleep- baby feet up in my ribs, or if I lay on the couch for too long I literally cannot get up. Its a sorry sight especially when your trying to get off the couch and there are two yellow labs under your feet, that refuse to move. Heartburn is still here, there was almost a prize at my baby shower for who had some in their purse. Nesting is also in full swing...I think. I've always been an OCD cleaner, We have a phrase in the Douthitt household and my husband can quote it "everything has a place" I feel like that is the first piece of wisdom I want to pass down to my child LOL. Deciphering between my normal OCD self and the nesting phase is difficult, David said there is no difference, besides baby stuff is thrown into the mix.
Looking forward to: Someone  asked me just yesterday if I was nervous and I had to stop and think if I actually was and I guess I can say not yet.... I am too focused on getting everything ready which is my plan these next two weeks. Getting all his things put away and making sure we have everything. David has been on me about a hospital bag since the weekend, so that is on the list too. I am sure once all of those things are ready and in place then I might get nervous but then again I never once felt nervous on my wedding day or leading up to it. I tend to get nervous over little things and not so stressed about bigger things..who knows. 

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