Tuesday, May 17, 2016

32 weeks.

How far along? 32 weeks
Total weight gain: +16 lbs
Maternity clothes? For sure, and often:)  what I have realized is that I am able to wear some non-maternity maxi dresses comfortably, and that is always a plus in expanding what seems like such a limited wardrobe of maternity in the first place.  At 32 weeks I'm fully embracing the fact that I'll wear whatever fits. 
Sleep: Yes. Yes. Yes.  I am having sleep trouble just 1-2 nights a week. I have noticed that is normally when I have done too much throughout the day and I'm just sore. I am a notorious stomach sleeper, and if I arrange the snoogle pillow just right, I can sleep soundly and nearly 'on my stomach' for most of the night.
Best moment this week: Our church threw us a 'Soon to be 3' luncheon this past weekend and it was so sweet thinking that we are so close to meeting our little one and getting to share him with everyone we love so dearly! 
Miss Anything? I cant say that I am missing anything. I actually think I may be forgetting what it's like to NOT be pregnant.
Cravings: The usual hasn't changed much from last week: Carbonation. Summer fruit. Chobani yogurt, cereal. Ice cream and Popsicles. I seem to have a daily food ritual.
6am: Cereal
9am: (I am starving again) so it's normally a granola bar and a granny smith apple.
12pm: lunch 
2pm: fruit
4pm:yogurt (I'm seriously starving by this time again)
6pm: dinner
8pm-9pm: fruit, ice cream, or Popsicles or all three or at least two of the three 

Symptoms:  Heartburn is officially the most annoying pregnancy symptom, ever.  It has come full force this week.
Looking forward to: This week we have our 2 week Dr. appt and our monthly ultrasound and I CANNOT wait to see this baby boy AGAIN! The anticipation is killing me. I can never get over how amazing it is to just watch him on that little ultrasound screen. Soaking in these last (7) weeks have become really important to me.  I had a wave of anxiety when I realized how quickly this pregnancy has flown, but the excitement of having him here has been on my mind constantly!  We are making plans to enjoy these last few weeks and even better making a small summer bucket list for once he gets here! we had to cross the beach off the list even though I tried convincing David of cheap September rates, he was not buying it!

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