about me.

I'm not sure how you stumbled upon my site, or if you came here on purpose, but either way I am so glad that you stopped by. I so wish I could get to know each of you, and maybe someday I will, but for now here is a little about me.
I am in my mid twenties, married, and mother to the silliest, happiest little boy Canaan Jude, who is about to be TWO. Mama hood is where it's at, my most favorite ministry next to marriage. It's stretched me and grown me and caused me to fall into a deeper reliance of the Lord. We also have two sweet and adorable yellow labs, Ronin A. and Fitzgerald Q. They have middle initials that stand for absolutely nothing. I am married to the most wonderful, handsome man who passionately loves Jesus and reflects His grace daily to me. We were married August 10, 2013 and still enjoying the "honeymoon phase," I hope I can still say that in another 20 years still. Each day gets better and better and I cannot believe the Lord blessed my life with David -that I get to spend the rest of my life with him, or that he gets to spend the rest of his life with me!
The greatest lover of my soul, won my heart at the age of 15 years old. I had asked him to come into my life at the small age of five and remember the events quite vividly. However at that time I did not fully understand my desperate need for a Savior and how He desires a relationship of love, grace, and mercy with me! I discovered true JOY and in him we can find true hope and life everlasting.
Since that time, life has been an adventure, from attending Bible college (at the wonderful LIBERTY UNIVERSITY), to planting a church, traveling, and marrying the love of my life. Although an adventure for sure, life is never always sunshine and roses, we have walked many deep valleys along the way and expect more to come, but through it all my God has always been by my side and proven to be most faithful. He has shown me that all things were for my benefit and HIS glory so that I can know him more intimately.
Thank you for stopping by today, I pray that this site uplift you, challenge you and remind you of God's great love for you. I hope that we can grow together.

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