Tuesday, March 29, 2016

25 weeks.

How far along? 25 weeks 
Total weight gain: 7 pounds.  I feel like over the last week or so, I've doubled in size. I'm feeling about as big as a house. I was slow to gain to start with, but I feel like I'll be quick to catch up.  
Maternity clothes? I'm back on the hunt for more maternity clothes, I'm dreading this process again. Last time I just got a few pairs of pants, and now their about all that fits me. I officially cannot wear any of my pre-pregnancy bottoms unless their sweats. The moment I get home, I am in my sweats and tank top + sweatshirt.  I've been browsing online again because I dread going to the store to try stuff on. I toss a few things in the online cart and then chicken out because I don't want to have to deal with returning them if they won't fit. I've also been browsing Pinterest for some maternity clothes hacks and the only one is the ponytail trick and i think i'm beyond that, so if anyone knows of any send them my way.
Sleep: I sleep really well but I have a hard time falling asleep and then when I wake up I feel like I've been hit by a truck in the middle of the night, but I'm def. getting rested sleep. 
Best moment this week: I had the best time celebrating Easter with David and our families, but we were both anxious for it to be over because we knew next year our little one would be here and there is just something so sweet about that. ANOTHER FAVORITE: David has been feeling lots of kicks from this little one and that makes me so excited, I feel him all the time moving and kicking and most of the time he was always missing them, but he has been so active lately that their hard to miss.
Miss Anything? Bending down is starting to become a struggle, getting up off the couch is a struggle when you have two dogs laying at your feet, they wouldn't dare move and help a girl out.
Cravings: Chicken Sandwiches and cereal. I even wanted a chicken sandwich on Easter instead of all the Eastery yummy food and the cereal aisle is like heaven. I went to the grocery store by myself this past week and when I came home David came out to help carry the groceries in and he was appalled at the amount of cereal I had bought. He was naming each kind as he pulled them out of the car. I think he was trying to shame me but I felt none.
Symptoms: Conjestion from the weather or from pregnancy? The debate is still questionable. We have been sleeping with our window cracked in the bedroom and that has helped and has made sleeping a beautiful experience.
Looking forward to: just about everything! I got myself a little countdown app on my phone. So many of our friends and family have special things planned for us and I have a countdown going for each one. I just love anything to do with celebrating this sweet one. I also have a countdown going for my maternity leave, our next ultrasounds, and appointments, I don't think I was ever this weird about things, it must come with the territory.


We had our monthly growth ultrasound this week and everything is still great. Little one is measuring in the 48th percentile which is 2% less than average, but nothing to be concerned about yet. I still have to ask what percentile he was in last month. As long as he is staying consistent and not dropping too low in the percentile I won't worry. We will just have a little guy, speaking of little, Baby "C" now weights 1lb. 11 oz. Everything else may be little but I swear those are some big feet that he has. 
We had the best time watching his squirm around on the ultrasound. He sucked his thumb almost the entire time. It was weird too I told David I feel like he looked exactly the same from the last ultrasound, I feel like I could pick him out as mine in a sea of other baby ultrasounds.

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