Tuesday, March 8, 2016

22 weeks.

How far along? 22 weeks - this pregnancy is seriously f l y i n g. 
Total weight gain: 3 pounds- the scale in finally moving. I'm so thankful for this because it means baby boy is growing and that thrills my heart! All the extra weight is def. in the middle section (hellooo belly)!
Maternity clothes? Yep!  Sometimes I get daring and try on no maternity pants but they don't last long on if at all. I'm looking forward to digging out my spring and summer clothes, I have a feeling I'll be living in dresses. This weather is getting me excited for pinks and blues and the yellows of spring clothes!
Sleep: Amazing.  Unless I wake at 3:30am starving because I forgot to snack before bed or because I was craving a sweet tea and baby boy is doing flips through the night. 
Best moment this week: Was a trip out of town to do some baby shopping. David promised me a shopping trip once we found out we were having and we had a mini one in town and were hiding things in the cart in case we saw anyone we knew. This time David and my parents and I went shopping and I don't know about anyone else but I had a blast! My parents even treated us to Red Robin, me and baby boy were quite satisfied.
Worst Moment this week: worst moment of the week would have to be the random crying over nonsense. I never had any of these symptoms early on so I don't know where this is coming from.
Miss Anything? Im still missing my energy.
Cravings:  Sandwiches (probably where those extra pounds are coming from..carbs!), chicken, strawberries, and granola.   
Symptoms: Frequent bathroom breaks are happening quite frequently, little guy catches me off guard when he kicks at my bladder! Our last ultrasound we were watching him kick right at my bladder.
Looking forward to: Nursery decorating!! I have so many ideas and we are starting to put some things together! We got his dresser/changing table painted and David has been working on his closet! We gotta get that finished soon because little man has lots of clothes already that need hung up!

Update on Baby Douthitt
We heard back from our doctor on Friday and he noted that his cord was the only issue and his heart and kidneys look great so far!! We have an appointment next week to get some more information and we have ultrasounds scheduled now every 3-4 weeks until the end of our pregnancy. I can't complain about that, I'm already dreaming of the next time I will get to see him!

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