Tuesday, March 22, 2016

24 weeks.

How far along? 24 weeks 
Total weight gain: 5 pounds- I'm chalking this up to all the healthy food I'm craving! Because it's certainly not from lack of eating. 
Maternity clothes? Most of the time. Ok, all of the time.. except I can get away with non-maternity dresses, hello warmer weather! My goal this week is to start transitioning our closets from fall/winter to spring/summer. I can still wear my non-maternity lounge/yoga pants and tee shirts around the house.. but nothing worth wearing in public - you are welcome.
Sleep: Sleeping so, so well. I just wish I could wake up not sore. If I could go back in time I would of made myself be a side sleeper so this transition wouldn't be as hard.
Best moment this week: Little guys crib and mattress came this past week and I could not wait to get it out together! Ever read those "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie..." books? They should make one entitled "If You Give a Nee Mom a Crib..." She will want to buy the bedding, the mobile, the everything!! I just want to buy everything! I have the hardest time holding back and saying I'll save some things for the baby registry! 
Miss Anything? I can't say that I am actually missing anything in particular.
Cravings: Cereal, chicken sandwiches, fruit. I feel like a broken record in this section. I don't see any of the above changing from now until the end of this pregnancy. David came to bed the other night smelling like peanut butter and I about but his head off because I thought he was into my peanut butter Cheerios, false alarm it was just his pb and celery snack. He was however impressed by my sense of smell. 
Symptoms: I thought the headaches were subsiding but their back, not as frequently as before and thankfully they are not too bad! I'm proud of myself for being able to avoid the Tylenol at all costs. No other complaints - except for this belly is large, every week I look down and think it can't possibly get any bigger but I know that's not true.
Looking forward to: I am looking forward to this Easter weekend. There is just something so sweet about these last holidays with just me and my husband, even though we just dream about having him here with us. We cannot wait to have our little guy with us for all the holidays next year and all the years to come.

Next week I will update you all on our growth ultrasound.

Daddy putting together the crib.

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