Monday, April 4, 2016

26 weeks.

How far along? 26 weeks 
Total weight gain: 7pounds... I haven't got on the scale this week, if I don't have a doctors appointment I try to avoid the scale at home. I was informed by my OB at my last appointment that I've not 'gained very much weight.. most women have gained over 20 pounds at this point.' I am eating - but sticking mostly to the healthy stuff, which is mostly likely part of it. Plus I'm not 'eating for 2' since that advice is totally bogus. My belly is making me feel enormous everywhere.
Maternity clothes? All day. I'm starting to have to get creative with my wardrobe. This weekend we switched out our fall/winter clothes for our spring/summer clothes just in time for a little April snow storm. I didn't even unpack the shorts I had to avoid depression later on when I know they won't fit me. 
Sleep: Sleep is great when I'm actually sleeping but I've been waking more and more throughout the night with our active little guy kicking away.
Best moment this week: Attempting to pinpoint the best moment of my week is getting tough.  The days run together.. We had a really busy week this past week. It seemed like David and I were going in opposite directions every day. It was nice to slow things down on Friday for a quick chicken sandwich dinner at Wendy's. Wow I think that was the highlight, being with my guy is just the best whether it's Wendy's or something fancy.  
Miss Anything? Im missing the speed at which I can do things. I so enjoyed waking up Sunday morning to a clean home after cleaning on Saturday. Normally I have David's help when I go on a whole house cleaning spree, but like I said we were in opposite directions all week. What normally takes me 4-5 hours to do with his help. Took me all day, I'm talking 8am-9pm I was finally done. He did start help me at about 7pm. I had to take too many breaks! Haha.
Cravings: cereal, ice cold water, strawberries, chicken sandwiches, pretty sure I had a chicken sandwich 4 out of 7 days this week and I'm not picky I don't care where it comes from. 
Symptoms: I'm becoming so full after eating small amounts of food. It's this big belly just getting in the way.
Looking forward to: I feel like summer is fast approaching and I am thrilled about that. I am looking forward to work slowing down as summer begins and getting ready for this little guy. I am way excited.

This week I have been so taken back by this pregnancy and experience from the very beginning. My morning drive to work is some of my favorite prayer time and I had to wipe the tears away before I walked into work as I was praying for our sweet boy who we never knew if we would even have. A few times I've started to complain about how much of a chore it is for me to just roll over in bed or how tired this little one is making me and the Lord quickly puts my heart into perspective and reminds me what a privilege I have. The thoughts exit faster than they come and praise remains even longer. My heart cannot wait to see his sweet face and to just know my little boy! I'm so jealous of how the Lord already knows my sweet boy, knows every fiber of his being, knows his hair and eye color, and knows HIM, every detail!

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