Tuesday, March 29, 2016

25 weeks.

How far along? 25 weeks 
Total weight gain: 7 pounds.  I feel like over the last week or so, I've doubled in size. I'm feeling about as big as a house. I was slow to gain to start with, but I feel like I'll be quick to catch up.  
Maternity clothes? I'm back on the hunt for more maternity clothes, I'm dreading this process again. Last time I just got a few pairs of pants, and now their about all that fits me. I officially cannot wear any of my pre-pregnancy bottoms unless their sweats. The moment I get home, I am in my sweats and tank top + sweatshirt.  I've been browsing online again because I dread going to the store to try stuff on. I toss a few things in the online cart and then chicken out because I don't want to have to deal with returning them if they won't fit. I've also been browsing Pinterest for some maternity clothes hacks and the only one is the ponytail trick and i think i'm beyond that, so if anyone knows of any send them my way.
Sleep: I sleep really well but I have a hard time falling asleep and then when I wake up I feel like I've been hit by a truck in the middle of the night, but I'm def. getting rested sleep. 
Best moment this week: I had the best time celebrating Easter with David and our families, but we were both anxious for it to be over because we knew next year our little one would be here and there is just something so sweet about that. ANOTHER FAVORITE: David has been feeling lots of kicks from this little one and that makes me so excited, I feel him all the time moving and kicking and most of the time he was always missing them, but he has been so active lately that their hard to miss.
Miss Anything? Bending down is starting to become a struggle, getting up off the couch is a struggle when you have two dogs laying at your feet, they wouldn't dare move and help a girl out.
Cravings: Chicken Sandwiches and cereal. I even wanted a chicken sandwich on Easter instead of all the Eastery yummy food and the cereal aisle is like heaven. I went to the grocery store by myself this past week and when I came home David came out to help carry the groceries in and he was appalled at the amount of cereal I had bought. He was naming each kind as he pulled them out of the car. I think he was trying to shame me but I felt none.
Symptoms: Conjestion from the weather or from pregnancy? The debate is still questionable. We have been sleeping with our window cracked in the bedroom and that has helped and has made sleeping a beautiful experience.
Looking forward to: just about everything! I got myself a little countdown app on my phone. So many of our friends and family have special things planned for us and I have a countdown going for each one. I just love anything to do with celebrating this sweet one. I also have a countdown going for my maternity leave, our next ultrasounds, and appointments, I don't think I was ever this weird about things, it must come with the territory.


We had our monthly growth ultrasound this week and everything is still great. Little one is measuring in the 48th percentile which is 2% less than average, but nothing to be concerned about yet. I still have to ask what percentile he was in last month. As long as he is staying consistent and not dropping too low in the percentile I won't worry. We will just have a little guy, speaking of little, Baby "C" now weights 1lb. 11 oz. Everything else may be little but I swear those are some big feet that he has. 
We had the best time watching his squirm around on the ultrasound. He sucked his thumb almost the entire time. It was weird too I told David I feel like he looked exactly the same from the last ultrasound, I feel like I could pick him out as mine in a sea of other baby ultrasounds.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

24 weeks.

How far along? 24 weeks 
Total weight gain: 5 pounds- I'm chalking this up to all the healthy food I'm craving! Because it's certainly not from lack of eating. 
Maternity clothes? Most of the time. Ok, all of the time.. except I can get away with non-maternity dresses, hello warmer weather! My goal this week is to start transitioning our closets from fall/winter to spring/summer. I can still wear my non-maternity lounge/yoga pants and tee shirts around the house.. but nothing worth wearing in public - you are welcome.
Sleep: Sleeping so, so well. I just wish I could wake up not sore. If I could go back in time I would of made myself be a side sleeper so this transition wouldn't be as hard.
Best moment this week: Little guys crib and mattress came this past week and I could not wait to get it out together! Ever read those "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie..." books? They should make one entitled "If You Give a Nee Mom a Crib..." She will want to buy the bedding, the mobile, the everything!! I just want to buy everything! I have the hardest time holding back and saying I'll save some things for the baby registry! 
Miss Anything? I can't say that I am actually missing anything in particular.
Cravings: Cereal, chicken sandwiches, fruit. I feel like a broken record in this section. I don't see any of the above changing from now until the end of this pregnancy. David came to bed the other night smelling like peanut butter and I about but his head off because I thought he was into my peanut butter Cheerios, false alarm it was just his pb and celery snack. He was however impressed by my sense of smell. 
Symptoms: I thought the headaches were subsiding but their back, not as frequently as before and thankfully they are not too bad! I'm proud of myself for being able to avoid the Tylenol at all costs. No other complaints - except for this belly is large, every week I look down and think it can't possibly get any bigger but I know that's not true.
Looking forward to: I am looking forward to this Easter weekend. There is just something so sweet about these last holidays with just me and my husband, even though we just dream about having him here with us. We cannot wait to have our little guy with us for all the holidays next year and all the years to come.

Next week I will update you all on our growth ultrasound.

Daddy putting together the crib.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Gender Reveal/ Twinkle Twinkle Little Star How We Wonder What You Are?

This was such a fun day for David and I and our families and close friends. We kept our little secret for a WHOLE week! The anticipation of telling everyone was killing me inside. It was so sweet watching everyone take their best guess at the gender and even sweeter when we got to share the news!
I was so excited with how everything came together. I decorated all week since we had the party at our house which made everything less stressful and then it was just last minute things and food to worry about on the day of our reveal.


Truth be told I stressed out over this way of revealing the gender for weeks. I was so terrified of take the balloon out in the cold and it popping so I purchased one of those small helium tanks and filled it myself (well David and my Dad) I was having such a mini heart attack while filling it that it would pop I made them stop and the ballon didn't even stay up with the weight of the tassel. That was my fault, but I just couldn't risk it.

I was also so terrified the confetti would fly everywhere like it would in Time Square on New Years, it totally did!!

star shaped everything
pepperoni, cheese and crackers
sugar cookies
vanilla yogurt and homemade granola
cucumber and dill sandwiches
pimento cheese sandwiches 
veggie cups with cheesy jalapeño dressing
sweet chili cream cheese dip
buffalo chicken dip

vanilla cake
pretzel salad

twinkle twinkle punch (orange juice, sprite, and pineapple juice)

invitation Lora Lang Designs
reveal balloon and confetti Party Presentation
balloon tassel Twigs and Twirls
star garland Mailbox Happiness
ITS A balloons Project Paper
twinkle twinkle cake topper Craft and Honey
star cutouts The Red Bobbin
wooden spoons Hobby Lobby
tassel garland Project Paper
photography AND Lifestyle Photography

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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

23 weeks.

How far along? 23 weeks 
Total weight gain: 5 pounds
Maternity clothes? Wearing mostly maternity clothes and non-maternity sweats around the house.  In this picture I'm actually wearing non maternity clothes and .5secs after the pic was taken the sweats were on. 
Sleep: THEEE best ever.
Best moment this week: Hearing little guys heartbeat, our Doctor commented how he has been steady at 145 at every appointment. There is something so sweet about hearing the echo of the wooshing and thumping of his little heart beating inside of me. 
Worst Moment this week: Worst moment of the week was probably when my parents cancelled Sunday dinner and we had to eat McDonald's for dinner. I know my dilemmas are just earth shattering. The worst was the 20 minute wait for food when I finally sent my poor husband up to demand our food, trust me he was much nicer than I would of been.
Miss Anything? Laying on my back or stomach, it's like the feeling that something is so close but so far away. Not fun. I am just not cut out for side sleeping. 
Cravings: Chicken, in any form, sandwich, crispy, grilled, fried Fruit. Fruit. Fruit. Strawberries and granola and cereal. This summer and the wealth of fruit is going to be amazing.
Symptoms: I have seriously been struggling with shortness of breath, I could walk and walk in this nice weather and not get short of breath, but random other things have me short of breath, like eating-such a chore haha.
Looking forward to: We have been piecing together his nursery pretty quickly! We have been finding random things here and there and then I place them in his room knowing quite well we have plenty of time to organize and put things together but then I can't stand it and I have David in the garage for a hammer and drill before too long. We have his changing table that is an old dresser we repurposed. We finished his closet  with custom made shelves by Daddy. I added a picture of his rug I got on target clearance (who can't resist a red Target clearance sticker?!)  My parents got his crib and it's coming this week so I can't wait to see it. I've been dreaming of this crib for forever it is identical to mine as a baby only in white! I can't wait for it to all come together (I'll be SOME sharing details, soon, not all because we have a sign coming for above his crib with his name ;) )  This continues to be my favorite thing to look forward to - but the entire idea of preparing for his arrival gives me excited butterflies in my stomach.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

22 weeks.

How far along? 22 weeks - this pregnancy is seriously f l y i n g. 
Total weight gain: 3 pounds- the scale in finally moving. I'm so thankful for this because it means baby boy is growing and that thrills my heart! All the extra weight is def. in the middle section (hellooo belly)!
Maternity clothes? Yep!  Sometimes I get daring and try on no maternity pants but they don't last long on if at all. I'm looking forward to digging out my spring and summer clothes, I have a feeling I'll be living in dresses. This weather is getting me excited for pinks and blues and the yellows of spring clothes!
Sleep: Amazing.  Unless I wake at 3:30am starving because I forgot to snack before bed or because I was craving a sweet tea and baby boy is doing flips through the night. 
Best moment this week: Was a trip out of town to do some baby shopping. David promised me a shopping trip once we found out we were having and we had a mini one in town and were hiding things in the cart in case we saw anyone we knew. This time David and my parents and I went shopping and I don't know about anyone else but I had a blast! My parents even treated us to Red Robin, me and baby boy were quite satisfied.
Worst Moment this week: worst moment of the week would have to be the random crying over nonsense. I never had any of these symptoms early on so I don't know where this is coming from.
Miss Anything? Im still missing my energy.
Cravings:  Sandwiches (probably where those extra pounds are coming from..carbs!), chicken, strawberries, and granola.   
Symptoms: Frequent bathroom breaks are happening quite frequently, little guy catches me off guard when he kicks at my bladder! Our last ultrasound we were watching him kick right at my bladder.
Looking forward to: Nursery decorating!! I have so many ideas and we are starting to put some things together! We got his dresser/changing table painted and David has been working on his closet! We gotta get that finished soon because little man has lots of clothes already that need hung up!

Update on Baby Douthitt
We heard back from our doctor on Friday and he noted that his cord was the only issue and his heart and kidneys look great so far!! We have an appointment next week to get some more information and we have ultrasounds scheduled now every 3-4 weeks until the end of our pregnancy. I can't complain about that, I'm already dreaming of the next time I will get to see him!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

21 weeks.


How far along? 21 weeks 
Total weight gain: +1
Maternity clothes? I have been wearing some of my non-maternaty tops, maternity pants and leggings anything with an elastic band feels great!
Sleep:  I've had a few restless nights just not being able to sleep. David came home one day with a snoogle for me. He said he was looking for one for me around Christmas and finally found one and I'm loving it. It's making this side sleeping thing a little easier and I'm not waking up feeling so stiff.
Best moment this week: I've been feeling this little guy move and groove so much this week, it stops me in my tracks and I just love to watch my belly do little flops and feel him move all around. David even got to feel the little guy once.
Worst Moment this week: my emotions have just been getting the best of me. I find myself crying over really dumb things and getting angry over just as silly things.
Miss Anything? I'm still missing my energy. I used to be able to clean my whole house in a day and now scrubbing the floors on my hands and knees takes everything in me. I don't know if I will ever get used to slowing down.
Cravings: Sandwiches, any kind of sandwich, Italian, turkey, chicken. I love em all. 
Symptoms: Im still dealing with headaches, I thought they were starting to subside some but I was wrong. I'm also starting to deal with some shortness of breath from just doing simple things like eating. I think it is just all the added  growth in the belly area that I'm not used to. On the nice days we have had I've been able to get outside and do some exercising and that has felt great.    
Looking forward to:  Continuing nursery prep!  That is so much fun.  I have come across many new and unique things, and I can't wait to implement them into my own nursery, finally. I've been interesting on those sleepless nights and I have a lot of ideas that I can't wait to incorporate. right now we need to finish the quarter round in baby's room and then David is redoing  the closet into a vision I have. Poor guy I have lots of bright ideas and he is always the one carrying them out.

We had our anatomy scan this week and the only thing the ultrasound tech noticed was that he has a two vessel cord. Most babies' umbilical cords have three blood vessels: one vein, and two arteries. But a two-vessel cord has just one vein and one artery. The doctors at Magee's hospital are going to take a better look at his heart and kidneys because they grow at the same rate as the umbilical cord and it can effect the growth of the heart and the kidneys. The two vessel cord can also effect the growth of our little guy as well. She said more than likely I will not be delivering an 8-10lb. baby (praise the Lord). As of right now he is growing right on track with his due date but we will have to have more ultrasounds than normal to keep track of baby's growth but I'm always ok with getting extra peeks at him! Right now he is kicking up a storm, letting me know he is just fine! Please continue to pray for the healthy growth of our little one. XOXO

P.S. As many of you know our little ones name is being kept a secret except his initial of the letter C. We have had many guesses and we promise if you guess right we will let you know. So far no one has guessed his extra special name!

Baby boy with his hand by his face.