Monday, April 25, 2016

29 weeks + baby boy growth update

How far along? 29 weeks 
Total weight gain: 10 pounds
Maternity clothes? I've began living in maxi skirts and dresses lately, I'm needing to invest in some cute tops to go with them. David has given me a complex lately that I only like and wear things that are in "boring" neutral shades, and now I've realized that is about all I wear so I'm on a mission to add more color. Not that I'm sure I want to draw any more attention to this big ol' belly!!!
Sleep: ehhh. It's ok. I'm sleeping so I can't complain.
Best moment this week: by far seeing our baby boy at our ultrasound appointment I mean I could do that all day! 
Miss Anything? Bending over has officially become a little bit of a chore. Really this past week I feel like this belly have doubled in size out of no where or over night. I can't imagine what the next few weeks entail.
Cravings: No real cravings I would say- but I have my regular routine with food right now.  Cereal in the morning, smoothie around lunch or whenever I pass the McDonald's. I am pleased to announce that I didn't have a chicken sandwich at all this week.... The craving may have passed, and I may or may not be a little sad about it. I found myself buying rice cakes at the grocery store this week. I was never a fan so I don't know what that was about.  
Symptoms: Heavy belly.  Sitting, laying, standing- all have become slightly uncomfortable.. 
Looking forward to: SUMMER! With these beautiful evenings David and I hang out outside just about every evening and watch the dogs run around in the yard and we just dream of adding our little one this July to the outdoor summer mix, sleeping on a blanket I am sure but apart of slow evenings and nightly sunsets with us!


We went for our monthly ultrasound today and it may have been the best one yet! Our little guy went from the 48th percentile to the 62nd percentile in a month! We won't let a 2 vessel cord stand in our way of growing!! ;) Your prayers-seriously, their felt and working! Thank you to all those that remind us of your prayers for him because it is an extreme blessing to our heart. He is now measuring a week ahead! I'm hoping that means we will meet him a week earlier, but I know that is probably not the case! 
Our little one now weights approx. 3lbs. 1oz. and we got to watch him stick his tongue out, immediatly after I said to David "I don't know, now I think that's your nose." We could have watched him all day long. He was wiggling and opening his mouth and drinking up the fluid around him.
I had my glucose tolerance test last week, in which I passed. My other blood work showed my hemoglobin and iron to be low so now I am on an iron supplement in addition to the prenatal vitamins.

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