Sunday, January 31, 2016

16 weeks

How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain:  -3 lbs. again. I lost 3 lbs in the first trimester and haven't gained anything since, one week I went up two lbs but it was gone again. This belly is still telling me a different story than the scale.
Maternity clothes?  Contemplated a belly band this week, but I'm still fighting with my regular pants. I purchased maternity pantyhose this week, they make those and their great! Target clearance of course. 
Sleep: Really, really well. Still getting used to sleeping on my side. Sleeping on my stomach is no longer an option. 
Best moment this week:  We got the baby's room painted this week and if you can tell by this weeks picture (I've been taking them in baby's room so you can see the progression of the room as time goes on too.) it's a grayish color that I'm loving! If you look towards the bottom right of the picture that's the closest to the color the picture doesn't really show the color of the room very well.
Worst Moment this week: Between painting the baby's room and also doing some painting at our church I've been having some back pain that hasn't been fun. I'm just not the kind of person that can do nothing though, I've always got about seven different projects going on at the same time.
Miss Anything? Feeling comfortable in my clothes and I know it's only about the get worse. 
Cravings: I'm back on a pineapple kick, bananas, guacamole and chips(thanks to my father in law and his wife for the homemade goodness), and brownies/hot fudge sundaes and ice cold water. Every time David and I go out to eat I ask him how good he thinks the water will be. 
Symptoms: Besides some back pain and realizing I can't work as hard as I normally do without having some pain I haven't really had any other symptoms I've been feeling GREAT.
Looking forward to:  Looking forward to a busy week and weekend with parties and Valentine's Day dinners, it's been kind of low key around here for a couple weeks plus the weather right now is perfect. Last week we were knee deep in snow and right now it's 58 degrees, I think the weather has pregnancy hormones.

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