Monday, January 25, 2016

15 weeks

How far along? 15 weeks 
Total weight gain: -1lb I'm still down a pound from my pre pregnancy weight, but I was down 3lbs so technically I gained 2lbs. from a few weeks ago
Maternity clothes? Do leggings count?! I'm living in them.
Sleep:  I'm still sleeping really good, I can no longer sleep on my stomach though without feeling a lot of pressure, so side sleeping it is.
Best moment this week: hearing our sweet baby's heartbeat at the doctors (140-145 bpm) and getting some of our genetic screening and blood work back and getting the all clear. Thankful, thankful for a healthy baby so far. 
Worst Moment this week: Learning we have to have our gender ultrasound postponed a few weeks. :/
Miss Anything? Caesar Salads this week, the dressing is made with raw eggs..
Cravings: Not craving a thing in particular, but food just tastes so much better nowadays. No wonder you gain weight.
Symptoms:  I'm feeling really good this week. I actually told David I didn't even feel pregnant anymore now that the sickness and tiredness has went away. 
Looking forward to: This darn ultrasound, I'll probably be saying that for awhile now...

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