Tuesday, August 18, 2015


I woke up the other morning with that surprising ache of sadness. Not the kind of sadness that pairs with hopelessness, it's the sadness that catches you off guard, resting in your eyes and filling your lungs before you even know it's there, almost more of a physical sadness than a mental sadness. It's the sadness that is paired with His presence and peace, yet the emotion is real and the breaths seem a little shorter as you try to hold it together. These days always catch me off guard, hitting me when I least expect it and yet bring a gentle comfort with them as I know bringing my sadness to His feet is powerful and that He will rest with me in a no-reason tough day like today. It's days like this when I have to be keenly aware and tuned into my blessings, otherwise the sadness can run wild and free and do far more damage that it should. So today I am thankful for my husband, the sun shining, the kitchen sink that was empty when I came home, the liquid caffeine my husband has waiting for me each morning. If your caught off guard by an emotion today acknowledge it and bring it to his feet. Worship Him and thank Him despite the hardships and ask Him to walk with you. He is faithful to meet us. What are you thankful for today?

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