Thursday, August 13, 2015

Cotton Anniversary

Keeping with tradition yet again we went for a cotton theme anniversary. Starting with our traditional anniversary pictures. David is always pretty creative, he went with a quilt and wrote on it to remember this anniversary. Plus he knows I'm a nut about blankets! He even got us pillows and drew a cute drawing on them. Knowing that I have been dying to try and make a quilt, he took me too get some cotton fabric to make a quilt, guess I better get started now-no excuses! Again with the blankets, he will be yelling at me in a few years to get rid of them all! David and I are always so thankful to everyone that remembers us on our anniversary as well. Thank you to everyone that sent us well wishes and thanks to everyone who shared that special day with us TWO years ago! We cannot remember a time when we felt so loved as that day!
cotton quilt

Cotton sheets from my parents

Garden veggie basket from my father in law and his wife.

Cotton basket for David

How creative and sweet is my husband? 

Of course you have to celebrate a cotton anniversary with cotton candy!

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