Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sunday Morning.

Each Sunday David and I wake up together, I enjoy coffee and breakfast, like homemade waffles on the waffle iron, with my husband. We never seem to be in a rush as we get ready for the morning. We show up at church and each grab a cup of coffee as we head to our usual seats. The service starts and we worship together, and listen to the sermon together. When the service is over we head out to grab lunch and then back home for a Sunday afternoon nap-after all those are gold!

OK, so I'm totally lying, that was all a made up fantasy that I normally fantasize about every Sunday morning.

Being married to the Pastor does not make this fantasy realistic. Most Sundays he is gone before sunrise to prep and prepare for the service that morning. I wake up alone and actually enjoy having the bed all to myself, unless the dog sneaks in as he tends to do. I get ready and then wrestle the dog to stay home, because he still doesn't understand why he gets to go to work with Daddy everyday EXCEPT Sundays. So I don't see him until I get to the church hours later and even then its just a short hello as he is practicing for worship, setting up coffee, or as indecisive as my husband is, still tweaking his sermon and I am often preparing for ladies ministry prep, or preparing to be in the children's classroom. When church is over people are usually wanting his attention, and then he is normally the last to leave the building. I then get to see him sometime in the afternoon when he makes his way home, and just long enough for lunch until he passes out for that afternoon nap- He is exhausted. This is the usual layout of our Sunday mornings.


{So to my friends that are Pastors' wives, Sundays can be hard and you may wish that they looked different every now and again, remember just as it is your husbands big day to lay out the morning, remember that it is also an important day for you to show up and support your husband. Your role is huge, if it wasn't it wouldn't be hard. Your husband needs you not only through the week but on Sundays, your support and love. The church needs your serving, loving, and steadfast spirit to lead through your husband.}
The purpose of Sunday Morning is not to just simply tell you about my Sunday mornings, that would get boring, but to bring you into my life and share with you everything that I am passionate about, being the wife of a pastor, being a wife in general, having a rambunctious puppy, upcycling and all my favorite DIY projects, recipes, and adventures. I hope you will subscribe to my blog and join me on this exciting journey!

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