Saturday, December 3, 2016

Hospitality Gone Wrong

tis the season to be hospitable...

One of the things I love most Christmas is we tend to be more open and welcoming to family and friends than any other time of the year. We blow up air mattresses for out of town guests, we bake, we clean, we decorate, and we host. 
All this is good!
Sometimes we tend to think of hospitality as a character trait only for those with natural Martha Stewart-like capabilities, but its not, its for us too! Whether we have Martha Stewart capabilities or not.

Romans 12:13 " to show hospitality."
1 Peter 4:9 "Show hospitality to one another..." BUT THERE IS A CATCH

What is hospitality?
The definition I like the most reads "providing a soft place to land in a world that is often hard to take."

The Bible speaks of hospitality several times and encourages us to practice hospitality especially to those who being to what Galations 6:20 calls "the household of faith."--->  other Christians.

Lets get real though, the cookies don't bake themselves, guests make messes, they upset routines and I am the Queen of Routine. They give us the overwhelming urge to dust baseboards. Christmas parties and dinners take a lot of time, money, and effort. Martha Stewart makes it look easy.

I don't know about you but as I seek to be more hospitable to others I tend to be inhospitable toward members of my own family. I bark orders to my husband, I sigh heavily at the false pretense that no one but me is doing any of the work. I grumble about money spent, the time invested, the floors that need swept.

1 Peter 4:9 "Show hospitality to one another without grumbling" 

When I make my home an inhospitable environment(hostile, cold, unwelcoming) for the people I love most in order to make it welcoming to others I am missing God's heart for hospitality. 

Yes, invite people over to your home. Yes, provide warm meals. Yes, create a soft spot for others to land, but do it without grumbling.

A peaceful home flows out of a peaceful heart.

Colossians 3:23-24 "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that form the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Jesus Christ.

This is a great mantra for the holiday season if you're looking for one.

The goal of hospitality is not to win a prize for cleanest home, best meal, or coziest bed.

The goal is to demonstrate Christ's love in practical and tangible ways, Since He is the One we are ultimately serving, in order to demonstrate true hospitality. 
But before we go looking for a family member to take in or a charity to donate our time and money to lets start with those closest to you. 

How can you demonstrate hospitality to your husband, your children, your co-workers? Do that confidently  first!

Give with a happy heart!

A store bough pie served with a smile is of much greater value than a homemade one made through gritted teeth.

Don't work to earn gold stars and "oohs" and "aaahs" this year

Work to put Christ on display.

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