Wednesday, June 15, 2016

36 weeks.

How far along? 36 weeks
Total weight gain: 17 lbs, I feel I'm up 100 lbs at this point though. I'm feeling SUPER large lately.
Maternity clothes? Nothing fits this bump unless it has side-ruching.  I try to fit into regular tees and tanks, but its laughable and clearly only acceptable at home.
Sleep: Yep. I sleep so good until I wake up having to go to the bathroom and then I'm cursing myself because I was sleeping so good and I don't want to get up out of bed. I am sleeping like a ROCK. It may have to do with me staying up a little later because of the beautiful daylight, before I was in bed by 9:30-10 and now I'm stretching it out a little longer. HA!
Best moment this week: Getting ONE more thing check off the before baby checklist-a new kitchen floor. I think it may even have to be the last thing because the other items on the list are kinda big projects that I'm not sure I want to get into so close to our little boy getting here.
Miss Anything? The usual: tummy sleeping, being heartburn-less..and basically fitting into my regular clothes with ease, and just being comfortable in the sitting, standing, lying position.
Cravings:  Nothing really new from the normal of the last 35 weeks. The Dunkin cravings are almost constant, I woke up this morning wanting a blueberry iced tea. I'm settling on making blueberry muffins instead today. I also want everything on the grill. David is the master grill chef for Summers and he started a raised bed garden this year and we have lettuce growing like crazy so we have been eating lots of chicken on the grill with salad or anything that you can add lettuce to. 
Symptoms: Not much to complain about really. The swelling has really hit this week. I had to take my rings off and flip flops are about all that fit my feet, good thing its SUMMER!  If thats all I've got- I'll take it.  Braxton Hicks are becoming more regular.  We've gotten to the point where his sudden movements will promote a BH. Little man is running out of room and his movements just hurt at this point.
Looking forward to: Just weeks away from his arrival. We have another ultrasound on Monday, the last time we will see him before he is here! EEK!! Now- we just have to wait for this sweet baby boy to get here and this momma is SUPER anxious for him to be here  with us!

Little mans first Liberty shirt from his Aunt Rhiannon since his momma and 2 of his Aunties went there!

New kitchen floor, not that he will care, but it was on the list to be done before he was here.

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