Saturday, February 13, 2016

The statistic that could be ruining our marriages.

I heard the scariest statistic yesterday on klove. 65% of us will get our spouse a Valentine while 85% will get their children a Valentine. While I will no doubt get my child a Valentine for years to come it doesn't mean I will stop treating my husband as my true Valentine. Whether it's just a card or just his favorite candy. I know some even think Valentine's Day is just a dumb holiday that should be celebrated everyday and I agree to an extent but YOU should also be celebrated everyday but we choose your day of birth to really appreciate you. Is it this attitude, this 65%-85% attitude that begins the downfall of some of our marriages when we start treating our children as if they are more important than our spouses? This statistic was in my mind all day and night as I thought of America and its marriages. No, I don't know exactly what this struggle can be like just yet but I can promise you it will be my mission to make my husband come before my children as it should be yours. 

The greatest example of love and how to love for your children will not be in how you loved them but in how you love your spouse. I know this in part because I had parents that deeply loved each other and while they got their children Valentines I always remember them getting each other something as well. I reflect on that love often not perfect love but unconditional self sacrificing love. Love that fought in front of their children to show them it was ok to disagree because they loved in front of their children as well. I want to be known as a wife and mother that puts her husband first after the Lord of course.

The nitty gritty:
1 Corinthians 11:9(ESV) states "Neither was man created for the woman; but woman for man." This Scripture hearkens back to God's creation of Eve. God made her as a fitting helper and companion for Adam.

In Genesis 3:16, after Adam and Eve had sinned, God told Eve that she would bring forth children, that her desire would be toward her husband, and that he would rule over her. So, even when childbirth is mentioned, God closes his statements to Eve by telling her that her husband would rule over her. 

Eve means "life giver" because she was the mother of all living (persons). So, a woman's role as a mother is certainly important, but it is never placed over her role as wife.

Putting all of this together, I would say that the Bible teaches that a wife's primary responsibility and loyalty is, after God, to her husband. She should not place the children ahead of him. 

*note: this is a personal and biblical view

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