Thursday, August 1, 2019


its been three whole years since we welcomed you into this world. 
I was feeling sentimental and scrolling through old pictures and watching videos from this time last year, and my blonde haired, round-faced, wobbly walking little boy has changed SO much. It seems more like it’s been two years since he turned 2 instead of just a year ago! He has changed so much in just a year!

while I feel like this season with him as a tiny toddler has gone by extra fast, I absolutely love this age and these new milestones with him.  I am doing my very best to soak them in and not miss out simply because "I’m busy".   
so many memories have been made in this 3rd year with our little boy.

Happiest Birthday, my precious, precious Canaan Jude!

height 39 inches // weight:  40 pounds 

Canaan experienced a TON of firsts in his third year. he has gained a rather hilarious toolbox of words he uses at the most opportune times.. he bosses me in full sentences, and probably my most favorite phrase has to be
"MAMA!!  where ah yuuuu??"
he had a slow start in the speech category and had speech therapy once a week for almost the entire year, he keeps making huge gains in that area and every time he says something new his dad and I crack up. There is something so sweet about watching your kids grow and learn. 
OH, AND when I ask him a question he looks at me with the most sincere eyes, finger on his chin and simply says "…um.."  so many things he’s picked up from us, like when he is looking for "babe(his dad, but he hears me call him that)" and so many things he’s developed into his own.  I just love him so much!  I cannot imagine what this life of ours would be like if Canaan wasn’t exactly the way he is.

this kids personality is through the roof.
he does his own thing and certainly marches to the beat of his own drum.

I hope I never forget his glasses phase, and the pacifier stage, and the hat stage where he just couldn't go anywhere without those items.

i mean...i die.

Discovering his favorite things, like ice cream, music, slides, and Mac and cheese//going to the library//learning how to be a friend and having and talking about his friends is the sweetest//having his first movie experience//locking himself in his bedroom//learning his ABCs, shapes, numbers, counting to 20, learning sign language//going fishing for the first time//learning responsibility with gardening and chickens and feeding the dog//conquering so many fears 👊🏼//ditched the pacifier// got a big boy bed//potty trained//

Best of all becoming a big brother

these are just a few of the highlights.  our life is so full.  with so much Canaan fun in between.

the night we found out you were going to be a big brother, we took you for ice cream!

sometimes you even demanded two pairs of glasses.


Ah, my boy.  there is absolutely nothing like your sweet smile and it brightens up the entire room.  
you have the biggest love of your brother.  

we all love to see your smiling face first thing!  

that time you got made at me and was able to physically prove it to me.

you are really smart and much to your dads dismay would rather play with puzzles and shapes than action figures but we see that tide changing as you are showing more interest in cars. it is SO cute.  you love singing and asking Alexa to pay anything from baby shark-lady Gaga- knockin boots by Luke Bryan.

the best prayer i know!

I could have never imagined in my wildest dreams that you would be so amazing with your little brother!  it is overwhelming to watch you be such a big boy- helping tend to him and always having concern for where he is.

you are still a laid back little bit and with the most free spirit and sweet demeanor any one could ask for. you have changed they very most over this last year, and I have found myself to fall in love with you more and more everyday I spend with you. 
you have absolutely changed our life, Canaan Jude, and I thank the Sweet Lord every day for blessing me with you. 

happy birthday my three year old! 

I love you, 

another one of those times you needed a winter hat in the spring

you love monah

and finny too

cinco de mayo

the night before you became a big brother, we took you for ice cream again and soaked in our time with you.

the proudest big brother

always wanting to help your daddy

your first swim class

slides are your favorite thing

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