Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Third Trimester

This poor little guy has not gotten the attention he deserves, but we love him so very much! I do these posts for me and for my family. I realize barely anyone cares about my ice cream cravings but we’ve worked so hard to get our babies here and I want them to look back and see that we’ve held every moment of their lives dear to our hearts and I want to remember that being able to carry them has been a gift and a privilege to their mama!

when people ask how far along I am I want to respond with something along the lines of “800 weeks with 72 weeks left to go.”
I feel like this pregnancy has been the longest ever when I look back through photos of my pregnancy, yet the weeks have flown past in a blink of an eye. 

I’m definitely in my most exhausted state because I have a two year old little boy that doesn’t allow me to stop for a second, between potty training and the rough housing and the mommy “picky up,” I’m in bed when he is EVERY. NIGHT. I’m basically just praying all the stars align and this little guy is just as good of a sleeper as his big brother has been.
Canaan has no pants on in this photo and he insisted I wear his glasses(nonprescription).

Baby boy is a BIG boy! we are well over 3 pounds(this was his weight estimate at 28 weeks, I'm currently pushing 33 weeks) and we’ve seen him pretty frequently once every month of my second trimester. he’s measuring a week ahead of time, as he has for the last several weeks and I 100% feel the weight of this belly. His placement is very low and its become difficult for me to even sit with my legs crossed or pull my legs up while I’m attempting to get comfortable to sleep.

oh.. sleep. whats that?? aside from constant baby bumps and tumbles in the womb at all hours of the night I have found it to be so hard to find a comfortable spot in the bed to fall asleep. staying asleep just doesn’t happen, I’m up at least every hour and a half and most of the time I’m lucky if I can fall back asleep within a reasonable amount of time.

food is.. whatever. no real cravings. David on the other hand certainly has a lot. πŸ™„ I start my day great high protein breakfast and end my day with Girl Scout cookies or mint ice cream in front of the television πŸ™‚

we have been slowly working on the nursery and finally its coming together.. we had a ton of things in boxes and bins and donation piles while we updated Canaan’s big boy room so the nursery became a catch all space. now that his room is basically “finished” I’m so excited to get the nursery done! we have all the “things”.. we just need to put them all together.
we have so many fun activities planned before baby comes in the next 8 weeks. I have a vacation from work to take before maternity leave kicks in. I just want to soak in all our time as a family of 3! So if you have any ideas for us send them my way... preschool shopping 😭and the children’s museum is already on our list. here’s to enjoying the next 8 weeks growing our sweet baby.

Photos of Baby Boy:
(they are not weekly, and most of them were taken in our bathroom mirror, but I promise little boy that I will do better once you are here.)

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