Thursday, March 7, 2019

Isaiah 49:16

I went back and fourth a million times on crib sets and sheets and everything in between and finally decided on the simplest most profound sheet I could find. I thought my second pregnancy would be more laid back than the first. I thought that I wouldn’t worry as much, that this would be more of "breeze" for me. Turns out my first pregnancy, with a 2 vessel cord and low amniotic fluid situation, was more of a breeze than this one. Losing our little ones twin late in the 1st trimester created a storm of anxiety in me that I hadn’t had or known in quiet a long time, anxiety over the life I was still growing. Anxiety over the life I was still entrusted to care for. Anxiety over maintaining this pregnancy. Anxiety over anticipated delivery. Anxiety over my emotional state postpartum. I never had this with Canaan’s pregnancy or birth, but I’ve been reminded time and time over the past 7 months that not only are my babies held and kept in the palm of HIS hand SO. AM. I. SO ARE YOU. We are so much at peace with what has transpired so far but that doesn’t erase the worry or the anxiety that comes from the enemy-guarding our hearts and minds is a full time job. 

-Isaiah 49:16-

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