Saturday, May 20, 2017


our baby(can I still say that) boy is 10 months old! double digits!! WHAT??  for the love of pete that's just so hard to say. its bittersweet watching him grow, change, and develop. every stage is the new favorite, and Canaan at 10 months old has been a blast with a capital B.
happy double digits my little one. thank the good Lord you are a little peanut because I couldn't handle you being any bigger!

he kills me.

 whats new?
  • Canaan waves 'bye bye' most of the time. 
  • the greatest sass pants of them ALL.  he's figuring out how to interpret the word NO,  and when I or his daddy take something away from him the squeals in protest make it crystal clear that he did not like what just happened.
  • he consistently cursing around EVERYTHING and into EVERYTHING. He has been practicing balancing unassisted.
  • says the word mama, dada and shakes his head no when he doesn't want to do something.
  • LOVES the dogs. 
  • he gives the best sugars, and greets mama with one overtime she comes home without even asking!
  • he is definitely a paci baby. he has one with his at all times, even if its just there and he isn't sucking on it. 
  • he's an amazing sleeper, but he rarely sleeps anywhere but his crib or carseat.
  • wears 6-12 months clothes and size 3 diapers.
  • laughs at everything!  David and I often get the question "Does he ever cry?" "Well, not really." 
  • his smile is just about the best smile ever.
  • his favorite toy is definitely his balls and blocks.  
  • we play hide and seek.  he will chase us around the island of the kitchen and loose his mind with giggles when we come into eye's sight. it is the funniest thing!  
  • he HATES getting his diaper or clothes changed.  it is HARD to keep him still for what should take just 2 minutes but ends up taking about 5 or more.
  • LOVES the bath.  he will play for hours if we let him. 
  • we love FLYING in the walker
  • Maximus, he has really taken a liking to his little(actually big) stuffed animal he got for Christmas.

 E A T

 this boy.  such an eater.  he's  picky about what I offer him, I have yet to find something he didn't like.  not much even gets on the floor these days, it all finds its way to his mouth.

she's eating about 3 meals/day which he has sort of transitioned into on her own.  breakfast is usually eggs and we are  starting oatmeal in the mornings to practice out bowl and spoon skills.  he likes fruit but prefers the veggies and protein is really his favorite, I think.  his largest meal of the day is dinner.  
favorites- rice, waffles + peanut butter, banana,  squash + sweet potatoes chicken, tomatoes

daily feeding/solids schedule:
 6-7am: bottle
9am-9:30am: breakfast(eggs/oatmeal/fruit)
10am: yogurt + fruit + puffs + applesauce(not all together)
12 pm: 6-7 ounce bottle  
4-4:30pm: 6-7 ounce bottle 
5pm: snack (puffs + fruit)
6pm: dinner (protein + starch + vegetable + yogurt)
7:30pm: bath
8pm: bottle/bed

 S L E E P

he's THE BEST sleeper!  I am so thankful for that.   once he's down for the night he's OUT and hardly moves.  he's moving all day long and when his body is at rest its legit at rest.  naps are getting more consistent(except when he's at glammas.  His first nap of the day has become the longest- occasionally its 3 hours. we try really hard not to leave the house in the morning so he can get in this nap.  this nap is also so important because he only gets that second nap about half the time.    

typical sleep routine
wake: 6-7am 
nap #1: 11-11:30am-1-2pm
nap #2: 4pm-5pm
bedtime: 8pm

 P L A Y / D E V E L O P M E N T

 oh this boy. such a busy body.  turning into this independent little person that makes his way around as he pleases and communicates better and better everyday.  his little personality is in full throttle- Canaan is present and everybody knows it!  but hardly a surprise because he is definitely on a mission to keep up with everyone around him.  he loves to play.. and will contently play solo for long periods of time. 
she loves rolling his balls and chasing after them, 'reading' books, blocks.  he loves to be outside and to swing. he thinks its the greatest to watch the dogs run wild.  this summer is going to be a BLAST.  
sitting to standing, crawling and cruising.  he's definitely exploring and observing his surroundings- taking it all in like a little sponge.
we have ZERO separation anxiety.  he loves people and will let anyone talk and entertain him.

to my sweet boy.  I never thought my heart could swell so much. it blows my mind that you are in the double digits of babyhood! I make it a point in my every day to try not to take for granted your resilience, cheer, sparkle, and absolute beauty. I am floored and completely fascinated by your ability to see nearly everything as wonderful and humorous and we all wish life would be. your smile lights up our every moment, and your laugh- OH I LOVE YOUR LAUGH. your desire and drive to seek out everything around you is impressive and you are a tiny tornado through the entire house- it wont be long before you are up and running all over the place.  
thank you for filling our days with laughter and joy and your sweet little face. you are going to be a whole year old before we know it and I am soaking in these last months of babyhood with you in this season.  I cannot believe how richly you have blessed us.  
our tiny miracle.
our Canaan Jude.
I love you so.

T E N  M O N T H  P H O T O  D U M P

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