Thursday, March 16, 2017


this month tops the last that topped the month before that was even better than the previous. life with Canaan Jude just keeps on getting better.  I speak for everyone when I say that we are over the moon in love with this little peanut.  holy mobile he is all over the place and would climb the walls if he could. watching him grow and change and come into his very own personality has just been surreal for us.  during my entire pregnancy everyone (including us) was wondering and imagining how he would look and how he would act.. 
this boy. enough personality for all of us.
I cant believe its been eight months!!

whats new

SO many changes this month.  let me see if I can wrap this up into a summary:)
  • crawling + moving + climbing.  this boy is NONSTOP on the move.
  • teeth!  we have MORE teeth!  his two bottom teeth were already there and a the top two popped out of nowhere and by the time I finish this post I'm pretty sure the next two, one on each side of the top two will be through. This child does not make a peep about them coming in either. He just becomes extra lovey and wants his mama to hold and snuggle him. So bring on the teeth!
  • sass.  his sass meter is in the red.  if that food is not getting in his belly fast enough we get all the tude.
  • he's becoming much more vocal- making all kinds of noises and sounds, like MAMA. *cue the hallelujah chorus*  he talks to his toys and things in his crib when he's just woken from sleep. I caught him this morning playing with his little light up whale, turned it on himself and everything. the other evening we were at the store and a lady came up to talk to canaan, he had his bank in his mouth so I took it out and told him to say "hi" and he just went off on a two minute chatter spree with this lady. funniest thing ever. 
  • we are slowly becoming an expert at pulling up, he hasn't tried it in his crib yet, but he is all over everything else.
  • he gives the best sugars.. and now on demand:)  he grabs your face and leans in for a wet smooch!
  • bath time is his FAVORITE.
  • he is excellent at self play.  as long as he's right in the middle he is content with keeping himself busy for a good while.
  • he's wearing size 3 diapers, 6 month clothes (for the most part).


 we are eating all kinds of things!  he's a pretty good eater, there hasn't been a thing he won't eat.  we have introduced her to lots of new things this month.  we really focus on that morning meal and an evening meal.  lunch is the occasional snack- whether its snacking on whatever mama is eating or teething crackers or something like that.  we are doing a combined approach method in feeding- I always start him with the table foods or whatever we are eating and then offer a fruit/veggie pouch for her to suck down.  I really feel like this approach has been working the best for us versus strict blw or strict purees.

Canaan still nurses several times a day.  first thing in the morning and about every 3-4 hours in between.  My supply dipped some when pumping while away at work. So Canaan now gets half breastmilk/formula when he i away from me. It was super hard for me and I still wonder if he has noticed. This kid goes with the flow but I seem to think it was all the Lord calming my heart about it because it was way harder for mama. I tried everything, I mean EVERYTHING to get my supply up. When I am home a full day and he only nurses he doesn't seem at all hungry so he is still mostly breastfed.
sweet thing.  I truly do cherish this time with my boy.  

daily feeding/solids schedule:
 7-7:30am: wake (nurse)
9:30:breakfast (fruit, oatmeal, eggs)
10:30am: nurse (bottle)
10:30am-1pm: nap
1pm: nurse (bottle)
1:30-2pm fruit+yogurt
5pm: nurse
6pm: dinner
7:30pm: bath
8pm: bed(nurse)


Canaan has a pretty consistent sleep schedule. his naps have never been a problem for us- and even when he misses a nap or his day sleep is interrupted he is a trooper.  I always make a real effort to be home in the mornings for him to get a solid nap in so that in the afternoon if we must get out and about a cat nap in the car will suffice for making it through the afternoon.  
some nights he will sleep all the way through until 7am and others he will wake once fussing and searching for his pacifier to fall back asleep. 
typical sleep routine
wake: 7-7:30am (nurse)
nap #1: 10:30am-12:30-1pm
nap #2: 3pm-4:30-5pm
bedtime: 8pm 

P L A Y / D E V E L O P M E N T

this boy is a mover and shaker all over the place.  Canaan is very skilled at getting around now, cruising around the furniture and everything she can get a grip on.  
trying to keep up with the dogs is is little life's goal. he keeps up pretty well, if I say so myself.  his crawling has become more efficient this month- last month he was more rocking and scooting on all fours and now this month he is here one minute and gone the next!  a little speed racer and can crawl so quickly across the room- before you realize it, he's gone.
he's started with the 'separation anxiety' - fussing here and there if I leave the room.  its short lived but very real!   
he recognizes himself in the mirror and loves to see himself in it. he's all smiles about 99% of the time.  I am so thankful for such a happy, smiley, little boy.  
his favorites toys include the dog toys and water bowls, don't worry we don't let him play with them. he loves anything he can put her mouth on.  everything goes in his mouth these days- the floor, the wall, toys, my necklaces.. anything you can think of and of course he always finds the smallest speck on the floor to stick into her mouth. 


you are like a revolving door of change baby boy.  it is SO hard to believe how much you've grown and evolved- even in just the last couple months!  I have caught myself on more than one occasion calling you Moody Judeee, and Judeee(actually daddy and I seem to call you Judee more than Cannan)
  your eyes and smile are contagious.  You are so silly and literally have us in giggles most of the day.  If there is a toy, book, paci, food.. and if you decide you want it- well, you will stop at nothing to get it.  my silly, crazy haired little boy- I cannot get enough of you.  this last month has proven to be a big one for you and your independence.  you have gotten so much better at playing solo and while mom and dad play with you on the floor.  and let me tell you how proud I am of your sleep habits!  you have learned to self-soothe and in the morning when it isn't quiet time to get up yet you will lay in your crib and quietly play or babble and eventually fall back asleep.  I love to watch you on the monitor in the mornings or after a nap. when it is time to wake up you are so giggly and SO happy to see momma and dad.  I LOVE going to get you out of your crib.  screeching and laughter fills the room the moment you hear the door click open.  my heart swells and overflows with emotion and desire to just scoop you up and squeeze you tight.  it is always too long since I had see you the night before.  you are hilarious, SO adorable and simply beautiful to me, my sweet baby boy.  8 months.  time is flying and I'm trying to soak up every little bit of it.

8 month photo dump

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