Friday, November 11, 2016

Canaan's Baby Dedication

I can't believe I am finally having the time to blog the little guys dedication from TWO whole months ago! This motherhood thing keeps ya BUSY-in the best possible way ever!


We had such a great day celebrating with our friends and family.

To David and I dedicating Canaan was important to us, not only as his parents but for our church. We believe that dedicating him to the church in this way showed our church family that they are just as important in the spiritual upbringing of our son. Most importantly, to us, as his father and mother we have recognized from day 1 of his life IN THE WOMB that he was never ours but always the Lords. This is a very humbling thing to experience as parents because you do SO MUCH to protect and love and guide and raise your child all the while knowing he is HIS.

We, Canaan, David and myself,  are so blessed that Canaan's Uncle Aaron is also a pastor and was able to perform the dedication for him along with his Auntie Amanda. We are so grateful that we get to raise our children together and most importantly to get to raise them up to be great arrows. 

Psalm 127:4
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth.

Canaan's Welcome the the World theme dedication luncheon.
You are so loved sweet boy.

What an incredible BLESSING you are to all who know you! From the moment we found out we were expecting we haven't stopped dreaming of all of the GREAT THINGS God has in store for you. CANAAN JUDE, today and every day of your life we commit to raising you in a home that is marked by TRUE GREATNESS, A PASSIONATE LOVE FOR JESUS CHRIST that demonstrates itself in an unquenchable love and concern for others. We pray that you would grow up with a desire to personally know Jesus and that you would serve people with the same love Jesus showed us by dying for our sins on the cross. As your middle name designated-our prayer also is that you praise the Lord above all-in every season. We also pray that you would come to fully understand the truly amazing grace that our heavenly Father has given those who know Him and that you would grow up to be a man that is full of GRACE AND TRUTH, who seeks justice, loves mercy, and walks humbly with God. Canaan-We are confident of God's great plan for your life and so grateful to be able to call ourselves your mommy and daddy. With much love and humility, Mommy and Daddy.

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