Wednesday, April 8, 2020


it has just been THE BEST MONTH!  titus is developing at hyper speed.  literally surprising me every day with the way he acts and responds- his demeanor when he is really examining this new world around him.

eleven months!  I totally love you. I cannot believe this time last year I was super duper pregnant and waiting impatiently for his arrival! and now I am sending out the invites for his first birthday party!

  • he started to react to things that are said to him.  "what are you doing?!" or "do you want some?".  he looks around to search for whoever he's been prompted to find and/or will point in that general direction.
  • the POINTING, cracks us up!
  • he says dada-all the time, and has said mama like once.
  • he starting to like FaceTime-hello COVID-19!  
  • he's become less interested in drinking from the bottle and more interested in eating solid foods.  weaning him from the bottle will be a piece of cake.
  • he LOVES to drink from a water bottle!  and any other cup he can get his hands on. 
  • he has eight teeth (4 of which are currently poking their way thru)
  • he is wearing 6/12 month clothing and in size four diapers.

 E A T

another great month of eating BIG for this tiny one!  He is definitely growing because he's eating like a horse.  he has been much more interested in table foods, so its been fun to experiment a little more than the last few months. protein is still his favorite.  chicken, beef, meatballs, beans.. boyfriend LOVES steak! but he's become a little more interested in grains- rice, pasta. there is nothing he won't eat at this point and we give him EVERYTHING!

daily feeding/solids schedule:
 7:30am - 8am: 8 ounce bottle 
9:30am - 10am: breakfast! eggs + fruit
12pm: 6 ounce bottle  
2pm: snack! (puffs + applesauce + yogurt)
4-4:30pm: 6 ounce bottle
5:30pm: dinner! (protein + starch + vegetable + yogurt or applesauce)
7:30pm: bath
8pm: 8 ounce bottle /bed

S L E E P 

just this week he has slept two nights in a row without getting up so that is exciting! He is still not consistently sleeping thru.

typical sleep routine
wake: 7:30am (bottle)
nap: 11am-1-2pm
bedtime: 8pm

P L A Y / D E V E L O P M E N T

this boy is ALL OVER THE PLACE.  he surprises me with the things he picks up along the way.  

He is pushing his walker, cruising around everything, pulling himself up to everything and standing on his own.

T I T U S 

boyfriend.  I love you more than anything!  you have the sweetest personality and you are so shy always throwing your head into my chest anytime someone talks to you! It amazes me how different you are from your brother as a baby and how you are your own person. I adore it!  it is rare for you to be in a sour mood, but when you want someone to hold you, there is no letting up until you are comfortable on someones hip. you definitely know what you want and when you want it.  you love your routine and stick pretty close to it for the most part, but you are pretty easy going when we take you out and about.  just go with the flow and I really appreciate that!  
you love to snack and table foods have become much more fun than your bottle.  puffs, yogurt, and applesauce, are the go-to options. 
I attest to be taken back at least once a day by how quickly you pick up on various things.
you are on the go-go-go nonstop all day long.
Titus Crete.. thank you for your contagious smiles and amazing personality.  our days are much sweeter with you apart of them.  you are just one incredible light to our life.

eleven month photo dump

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