Saturday, January 11, 2020


this month tops the last that topped the month before that was even better than the previous. life with Titus Crete just keeps on getting better.  I speak for everyone when I say that we are over the moon in love with this little dude.  holy mobile he is all over the place and would climb the walls if he could. watching him grow and change and come into his very own personality has just been surreal for us. 
I cant believe its been eight months!!

whats new

SO many changes this month.  let me see if I can wrap this up into a summary:)
  • crawling + moving  this boy is NONSTOP on the move.
  • he's becoming much more vocal- making all kinds of noises and sounds, like MAMA. *cue the hallelujah chorus* that comes when he is especially upset and I at least pretend like that sound is him calling me. he talks to his toys and things in his crib when he's just woken from sleep. 
  • we are slowly becoming an expert at pulling up.
  • he gives the best kisses..  he grabs your face and leans in for a wet smooch!
  • bath time is his FAVORITE.
  • he is excellent at self play.  as long as he's right in the middle he is content with keeping himself busy for a good while.
  • he's wearing size 3 diapers, 6(-9) month clothes.


 we are eating all kinds of things!  he's a pretty good eater, there hasn't been a thing he won't eat.  we have introduced him to lots of new things this month.  I feel like with Canaan I was giving him WAY more things, in fact, I'm certain I was. Titus just isn;t as interested. We put food in front of him and he mostly plays with it. If we try to give him a taste of chicken, etc, he usually turns his head. He's still learning and we are ok with him exploring his food and he will eat it when he wants to.

My supply dipped some when pumping while away at work, stress, and some other issues I was having. So Titus transitioned to half breastmilk/formula and we did this with Canaan until he was transitioned. It was super hard for me and I still wonder if he has noticed. This kid goes with the flow even more so than Canaan.


Titus has a pretty consistent sleep schedule. 
most nights he will sleep all the until 4am, wake to eat and then go back to sleep until 8am 

typical sleep routine
wake: 8am
nap #1: 12:00-1:30pm
bedtime: 8pm 

P L A Y / D E V E L O P M E N T

this boy is a mover.  Titus is pretty skilled at getting around now.  
trying to keep up with his big brother is his life's goal. he keeps up pretty well, if I say so myself.  his crawling has become more efficient this month- last month he was more rocking and scooting on all fours and now this month he is here one minute and gone the next!  a little speed racer and can crawl so quickly across the room- before you realize it, he's gone.
he's started with the 'separation anxiety' - fussing here and there if I leave the room.  its short lived but very real! Its mama or no one most of the time.   
he recognizes himself in the mirror and loves to see himself in it. he's all smiles about 99% of the time.  I am so thankful for such a happy, smiley, little boy.  


you are like a revolving door of change baby boy.  it is SO hard to believe how much you've grown and evolved- even in just the last couple months! 
  your eyes and smile are contagious.  my silly, crazy haired little boy- I cannot get enough of you.  this last month has proven to be a big one for you and your independence.  you have gotten so much better at playing solo and while mom and dad play with you on the floor.  you are SO adorable and simply beautiful to me, my sweet baby boy.  8 months.  time is flying and I'm trying to soak up every little bit of it.

8 month photo dump

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