Friday, November 8, 2019



So here we are, 5 months in, Titus is incredibly aware of his environment and surroundings these days, which is fun and challenging all at the same time. As I prepared to write this post, I started looking through pictures of his birth and first months. My how much these little babies change in such a short time! 
I remember when he was only a week old thinking about how I wish he’d stay this little forever, but I can honestly say that every month just keeps getting more and more fun. I’m really hoping this continues forever. or until he turns 14 and inevitably decides I’m no longer cool. I’ve said from the time Canaan was little that every stage really is so bitter sweet. 

Titus at FIVE months
We have no stats to report until next month.

 whats new..

  • Reaching out/grabbing and holding onto things.  He has really gotten great at this.  He is so interested in everything in eyes very- alert and exploring.  
  • I've noticed his face lights up when David,  or I enter the room or his line of sight. He is still a social little boy and wants to be in the mix of everything all the time- so when we leave he is noticeably upset, depending on what he's doing or his mood. 
  • Teething...I mentioned this last month!  drool.slobber.everywhere.  There are no visible signs of teeth, but big brother got his first tooth the week before he turned 6 months. So maybe we will have a tooth to report next month!
  • Noticing his hands, feet, etc.  He will put his hand out in front of him and stare in amazement as he moves it's so cute!  His feet are his favorite toy right now.  He has been grabbing them for about a month, but never really started using them to his advantage- he rocks back and forth while holding both of her feet- and will give it a good swing to help push him on over to his tummy.
  • He's not crawling yet but he will lift his whole chest, arms and head/neck off the floor and kick and scoot his legs like he wants to go somewhere. 
  • Titus is in size 2 diapers, wearing mostly 3-6 months clothes

LOVES to be on the floor rolling around doing his own thing.
LOVES to be worn in the ergo/wrap.
LOVES his toys that light up.
LOVES, LOVES a bath.

HATES when we walk away.
HATES(starting to hate) the car seat.

I'm still breastfeeding when I am home and he gets two bottles of breast milk during the day when I am at work.  
He hasn't started solids yet and we don't plan to until 6 months but he is definitely showing a clear interest in food, watching us eat and reaching out for cups, bowls, etc.  

This boy LOVES to play.  We brought our the jumper this month and he loves the lights, the sounds, and the fact that he can stand on his own to play.  His favorite thing to do is stand on his little legs.  If not standing, he's kicking or grabbing his toes - he LOVES his feet! Reaching for toys and playing contently.  He will sit in his bouncy seat or on the playmat and play and explore his surroundings for 20 and up to 30 minutes! Since he mastered the roll he rarely stays put on his back for long.  If I lay him down he flips right over almost immediately. For the most part everything goes straight to his mouth- we have a few favorite toys, and love basically anything that makes noise or has lights!


 Most nights he will sleep 8pm-6:30am. He barely naps during the day, we pretty much have to trick him into falling asleep(putting him in the swing-nursing him on our bed til he falls asleep. He sleeps all night so I don’t know if I can complain much...

Since he's been rolling over, he will sleep on his tummy AND on his side.


What a beauty you are, little boy.  If you would have asked me last month about the leaps and bounds of change you would be making that next month I wouldn't have been close to describing how much personality you have come to develop.

You mastered the back-to-tummy roll and now want nothing to do with laying on your back for play time.  As soon as we lay you down you are already busy maneuvering your way to your tummy to grab everything within arms reach- and then of course put it in your mouth.   
The smile that lights up your face when you hear my voice or see me across the room- it’s just incredible and so beautiful.  You basically smile with your entire face- and its not just your mama that sees this.  You are all about being in the middle of the crowd, the center of attention, and involved in whatever is going on around you- You cannot stand to be left out.  I'm certain I gave birth to the happiest baby on the planet. Strangers often comment on your expressive eyes, and blonde hair.. and fall to putty when their words bring out the best grin they've ever seen.  I have a feeling that you'll be using that to your advantage in the years to come.   

You are just too cute for words.  My little boy.  
You cannot and will not ever understand the crazy love I have for you, baby boy.

f i v e month photo d u m p

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