Friday, September 6, 2019


Titus at THREE months

Weight: 12 pounds 12.5 ounces
(luckily we have friends that have a baby scale, thanks Jonathan & Felicia!)
Birth: 6 lbs 8 oz

Growing like a little weed and his double chin is totally showing for it!  I could just eat him up 99% of the day, and he totally lets me without a peep of objection.
This sweet one is filing out his 3 & 3-6 month clothes and still wearing size 2 diapers.

whats new..

We are all smiles!  This month he has completely mastered his baby grins.  He smiles in response to anyone saying hello and talking to him in a sweet voice. We have even gotten a giggle or two! He also has started to respond to actions he likes/enjoys.  Anytime daddy makes silly noises to him he starts doing arm movements and 'exercises' with his legs (mainly the bicycle movements).

-1st trip(to Sesame Place)
-1st Concert

his swing - he naps in the swing at least once a day.  I am thankful for this love because it makes it easy to get things done around the house  when he will sit contently in the swing // his hanging toys on his baby piano play mat. // bath time // he also loves to be outside. // music is his favorite, He loves to be sung too and he loves when daddy plays guitar for him.

E A T 

Big Brother got to give him a bottle for the first time this month!

Titus remains on a pretty consistent schedule.  He sleeps and eats and plays around the same time every day, the switch up to having my mom watch him 2 days has been a little bit of an adjustment because he isn't napping like he does when he is home.   3-4 hours is normal, eating 6 to 7 times every day.  The usual 'scheduled' feedings: 6am-7am every morning when he wakes and then 10-11am, 2pm, 5pm, 8pm-9pm before going down for the night. Two days a week for two feedings he gets bottles and then just about once on other days since my work schedule isn't too crazy just yet we have been able to ease into the change which has been great. 

P L A Y / D E V E L O P M E N T

Titus has gotten SO good at tummy time!  He will hold his head up and tolerate tummy time.  He will actually lay on his tummy for about 10-15 minutes before he's totally over it. Eye contact and focus has been another huge change this month. He seems to be very aware of his surroundings and intently observes and takes in what he sees.  Titus can roll over at random from tummy to back, without a problem and a few times has been able to go from back to tummy.

Other developments..
He's basically stuffing his entire fist in his mouth.  I am pretty sure we are at the early stages of teething.  He chews and chews on the bink if you hold it in for him and pulls it out wincing in what seems like pain.. DROOL. I am not totally convinced that he will pop a tooth anytime soon. 
-Blowing bubbles!  Did you know that spit bubbles is a developmental milestone?  I didn't either until I read it on my Wonder Weeks app.  He blows bubbles ALL the time - especially when we are playing and talking to each other and because I know its a dev. milestone, I'm so proud, haha!

-He gets SO excited when he observes something he likes.  He flaps his arms and his eyes get about as big as quarters. Its probably among my favorite moments of the day.  I want 47 more babies just so that I can see that excitement for the rest of my life.
-He bats at the hanging toys and will even shake his toys that make noise for short periods of time.  We are still working on holding the toys, but he has gotten really good at it!  


This boy is an awesome sleeper. I'm also not sure why this is thee NO.1 question I get!?!?! The "How does he sleep "question is a little nerve-wracking, it's almost like they want me to respond with "awful." I feel like his naps are kind of inconsistent. I just pick up on when he is tired and lay him down. It’s working, so I’m not really concerned. I feel like I had Canaan on more of a schedule with naps but him sleeping thru the night so early really threw me for a loop. At night he sleeps from 8:30pm- 6:30/ 7am in his crib.


You my little boy are the absolute LIGHT of our world.  I couldn't imagine not having you in our lives, and I know the rest of our family can agree.  You have been such a joy.. I tell everyone who will listen that, even when your mama feels like she's chasing her tail most of the day just to keep up with you and your brother.  You are one of the happiest babies I've ever met and how lucky am I to be your mama.  I love sitting and snuggling your sweet cheeks over and over and you don't seem to mind at all. I tell you a million times a day that you are soooo CUTE and you just smile back at me in agreement.  Your personality is pretty infectious and I look forward to seeing it peek out more every day!
All smiles.  All the time.
You are so ticklish, especially under your chin! You giggled for the first time this month and Oh.My.Word. I just about died, after begging you to do it again.  I was doing whatever it took to get a little belly laugh out of you..and I'm sure I sounded so silly- but I wanted to hear you laugh over and over again! It brought tears to my eyes to hear that kind of happiness out of you, sweet boy. You've found your hands and have them in your mouth 99% of the time. My favorite time with you has to be a toss up between your baby naps on my chest and the sweet little conversations we have in between. I cannot get enough of you.  So proud of you, big boy.

Your mama loves you with all her heart.  


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