Saturday, June 22, 2019

Before & Afters

I love a good before and after, so I dug up a few photos of our house before we moved in. We have changed things and moved things several million times. It was a joke for awhile that every time someone came to the house it was a different color. At one point we had a wall in the kitchen teal, I don't even know what I was thinking.

Here is our kitchen before complete with ivy border!

David and I have been in our home for 6 years and it has taken us a long time get it just the way we---errr I wanted it. We have done everything 100% ourselves and by we I mean David, myself and my dad. My dad has taught us too much and fixed a whole lot too!

I never thought we would get the smell of animal urine out of this carpet, we even had to bleach the underneath when we tore it up-bleck!

The built ins were my dream and we still have to fix the top but we are waiting until we finish the crown molding in that room first.

This was Titus' room before BEFORE.
Before his room it was my office/craft space and I don't have a decent picture of it.
I finished my masters degree in this room.
Now one of my greatest accomplishments sleeps here.

David makes the joke that our house is 50 shades of grey is. So when I decided to do color in here I think we were both shocked. I am hoping to do a post with pictures from his nursery but I have yet to decide on what to put behind his crib...

Pink carpet in the master bedroom.

This is not how we originally had this room either-these walls were a pale purple and before that a different purple because I couldn't decide on the right purple and then it an off white color and then this color and I am currently trying to talk David into painting it a lighter grey color...

I have no before picture of our bathroom.
So posting an after picture would just seem silly.

I have before and afters of Canaan's room when it was his nursery in this post here--->Canaan's Nursery

I also have before and afters of the big room in our basement that David transformed into his room that he is never even in here---> Marvel Man Room
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