Friday, July 20, 2018


its been two whole years since we welcomed our sweet little miracle baby into this world.  we were blessed with Canaan at such a sweet time in our lives and to this day I am still in disbelief how lucky we are in having him in our lives to make it the most colorful it can possibly be.  
I was feeling sentimental and scrolling through old pictures and watching videos from this time last year, and my teeny, wobbly walking littlest baby boy has changed SO much.   
while I feel like this season with him as a tiny toddler has gone by extra fast, I absolutely love this age and these new milestones with him.  I am doing my very best to soak them in and not miss out simply because "I’m busy".   I catch myself saying "no" more and more and I know in the years to come I won't regret it!
so many memories have been made in this 2nd year with our little boy.
Happiest Birthday, my precious, precious Canaan Jude!

height 34.5 inches // weight:  33 pounds

 Canaan Jude experienced a TON of firsts in his second year- even more so than his first year of life, might I add. he has gained a rather hilarious toolbox of words he uses at the most opportune times.. like when he gets in trouble with his dad and points to mama and says "dat mum" with the most adorable grin and vice versa.  

  I just love him so much!  I cannot imagine what this life of ours would be like if Canaan wasn’t exactly the way he is. 

he went on his first vacation..Rehoboth Beach
he ate ice cream for the first time.
he went to Build A Bear.
he got his first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth(if not more) hair cut...his hair grows like weeds.
and before that he had his first man bun hahah
he went to his first play..Charlie Brown.
he had his first allergic reaction and hopefully last.
he went on his first sled ride.
he started raising chickens with his daddy.
he learned his shapes and colors, and about half the alphabet
he participated in his first paint and slide
he watched fireworks for the first time and kinda liked them.
we visited the zoo a handful of times.. and our trip to the children museum was the most fun with this boy.
these are just a few of the highlights.  our life is so full.  with so much Canaan fun in between.

Canaan has an incredible appetite.  this boy will pretty much eat EVERYthing you put in front of him. for the most part he’ll try what we offer him at the very least. he eats salad, kale, salmon, all the stuff a two year otherwise wouldn't want to eat. Canaan will also eat all day long if I let him.  
pasta, pizza , chicken, rice, mashed potatoes, PB&J.. ALL fruits, applesauce, and yogurt is definitely something he requests at every single meal time.  he requests ketchup any time we have some type of meat. 

Canaan is excellent with utensils – that fine motor skill came much easier for him than I thought it would.

for the most part Canaan will eat breakfast (which is usually milk right when he wakes up and then  toast with peanut butter or waffles, or pancakes, or french toast, or his favorite eggs), lunch around 12:30p before nap time, and dinner between 5-6:30pm.  we made the transition from whole milk to skim milk this week- we stick to about 16 ounces of milk, and 1-2 servings of yogurt and cheese every day.

this boy is like a dream when it comes to his sleeping habits. Canaan will go down without a peep of fussing, sleep 11-12 hours, and wake up beaming and ready for a full day.
Canaan’s usual sleep schedule is from 8pm to 7:00-8:00am with a nap after lunch (about 12:30pm) until 3:30pm-4pm.  

I am obsessed with watching Canaan interact with other kiddos!  he loves to run run run outside and play hard.
pretend cooking, cars, pretend guitars, and drums, blocks, trampoline, bounce house, swinging, water play!! 

Canaan’s motor skills and understanding has tremendously changed over the last several months.  he loves puzzles and shape sorters. 


Ah, my BOY.  you are equal parts sweet and strong willed.  perhaps on some days your strong willed nature is tipping towards the 75% mark,  but for the most part you seem to be pretty even keeled.  there is absolutely nothing like your sweet smile and it brightens up the entire room.  we are complimented every single time we are out about your glowing personality and you just have a way about you that no one can put into words.  you consume everyone’s attention, and you know very well that is what is happening because you eat it up, boyfriend.  you know how I know?  random bursts into crazy side grabbing giggles, speed running like a nut job through the house and nose diving into the sofa.. and not to mention the loud "aaah ha's".  anything to get attention, you are right in the middle of it, Canaan Jude.

you are an amazing sleeper and usually a solid 20-30 minutes of crib play is required before you are ready to get up for the day.  any moment before then you can be the biggest grouch!  verbally, you are much more inclined to repeat most of whatever we are prompting you to say– your ‘I love you’ is one for the books, it's the sweetest thing my ears have ever heard- "I LUH YUU!" Your receptive language is near perfect-you follow and understand anything asked of you, your the best cleaner upper. 

you are really smart and have little problem understanding or problem solving- "cooking" in your kitchen will keep you entertained for hours.
you love to run and jump.  your running can be best described as bent knees, head forward, and arms flailing at this sides – running with the smallest steps in between – so it looks like you are bobbing up and down.  it is SO cute.  you love music.  music is in your soul, and you most definitely sing to your own tune.
you have your moments of wanting to be held.
you don’t let anyone pull a fast one on you.. oh no, you are far too smart for that!  

you are still laid back and with the most free spirit and sweet demeanor any one could ask for. you have changed they very most over this last year, and I have found myself to fall in love with you more and more everyday I spend with you. 
you have absolutely changed our life, Canaan Jude, and I thank the Sweet Lord every day for blessing me with you. 
happy birthday my teeny two year old! 
I love you, 

All photos by Amanda N. Douthitt Lifestyle Photography
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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