Saturday, July 29, 2017


we made it a whole year!  

still in disbelief and in a total Canaan coma after our fun family celebration earlier this month! its amazing how much this little bug brings to our family, and although we definitely want another, if the Lord doesn't bless us in that way, this little boy completes our family of three plus two doggies perfectly.  he's it.  he's our Canaan Jude and he's awesome.

we had our ONE year well check with Dr. Tony! Canaan would hardly sit still before he came in the room- demolishing the white paper covering the bench, but the moment Dr. Tony came in, he was all smiles and giggles, waving and saying "hiiiii" in his best southern accent.

Canaan at TWELVE months
Weight:  21lbs. 11.1oz (57th percentile-HUGE jump)
Birth: 6 lbs 9 oz
Height: 29.5 in (37th percentile)
Birth: 19.5 in
Head:  47.8cm(90th percentile)  
Dr. Tony said when he came in that his growth was at the ---- percentile for weight and height and his head was growing... keeping an eye on that because he had a huge jump in percentiles and making sure it starts to slow down now
he's about off the growth charts for his head.

other than that.. he's happy and healthy! What more could a mama want?

whats new?
so many things happen in just four week's time!

  • silly boy.  he's got this silly personality and when he knows someone is watching he will act even more crazy!  
  • dance dance!! he loves to dance this month he added in the sway and head bob. again!
  • sings like a bird.  along with the dancing.. he sings and hums to himself all the time.  I  love it. I secretly hope he has his daddy's musical abilities.
  • ah-ooh!  he has a handful of words he says regularly: dah (dad), pup (dog), hiiiiii, biiiiiiii(bye), mama, mmmm(more), puff(puffs), bubba, ball, pitta pitta(piggy piggy(toes)), BeBe(baby),ah-ooooh (uh-oh). I was feeding him puffs in the grocery store and I dropped the lid, my hands were full and I was going to pick it up as soon as he took the puff out of my hand the longer I took to pick it up( because he wouldn't take the puff) the louder his ah-oooooh's got! 
  • speedy canaan. he's so quick to move from one place to another.. this month he learned to navigate the ride on toys his got at his birthday party 
  • self play. he's really gotten the hang of this well. makes it easy to get a handful of things done around the house outside of nap time when I find myself not wanting to do anything!
  • smart cookie.  he's totally perfected his mimic game. Boyfriend amazes me everyday with what he knows and picks up on.
  • faker. he has this FUNNY fake laugh and fake cough.  he does it when he's looking for some attention- like when we're sitting at the dinner table and no one is paying him any attention
  • stats.  he's in size 4 diapers, 6-12 month clothes, depending on the brand.  I have stopped buying the 6-12 month size in anticipation for him  to hit a growth spurt.


Canaan was down to getting two bottles, morning and night, before bed. Then we switched the morning bottle to a sippy of milk and went from there. The night bottle was the last one to switch. This was a seamless transition that we started the day after he turned 12 mos. we're done with bottles and formula and onto whole milk. We used Honest organic formula so we transitioned to organic milk as well. We tested out regular whole milk and he seemed to have a reaction to it, but it also could of been a few other things as well. So we may try again when we can rule other factors out. He sits for three meals a day now.

daily feeding/solids schedule:
 6-7am: 8oz whole milk (in a sippy cup)
9:30-10am: breakfast!
1pm: lunch!
4-4:30pm: snack (puffs + yogurt melts + fruit)
6pm: dinner (protein + starch + vegetable + yogurt)
7pm: bath
7:30pm: bed + 8 oz whole milk

The nighttime milk sippy is the next transition, trying to drop that by 15mos. Canaan has always went right to sleep at night time because of our strict routine, that included, nursing, then bottle, now sippy so I'm nervous to remove that from the norm.

our baby (toddler?!) food go-to:  
cheddar cheese slices (cut into pincher size squares)
banana slices
peanut butter (on a spoon!) 
english muffin with butter
grilled chicken
Greek Yogurt


I LOVE HIM for the way he sleeps. 

typical sleep routine
wake: 7-8am 
nap: 10:30am-1:30pm 
OR(if we miss the above)
bedtime: 8pm

P L A Y / D E V E L O P M E N T

he's growing and developing SO QUICKLY!  
he has started to point at everything.
along with the handful of words he puts on repeat, he is communicating much more this month.  understanding that nodding his head yes or no will get our attention to know what exactly he wants/needs.  he also really lets you know when he is hungry or thirsty.  

I think he's done with these pictures.. good news buddy!

I still cant believe he is a whole year old!  Happy 12 months Canaan Jude!!

twelve month photo dump

Stay tuned for his one year photo shoot with his fabulous auntie manda!

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