Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Ten Facts about the Pastor's Wife

1. I live in fear of being the fault of the ministry we were called to. You won't always like the decisions we make and that's ok. Pray for us and trust God has a plan. We are continually learning and growing.
2. Being the pastor's wife is the loneliest thing I have ever done. It is a feeling unlike any other that is even hard to explain. We continually feel like an outsider in our own ministry. This makes us sometimes dread church activities.
3. I've thought about attending another church. That was a tough confession but it goes with #2. I wouldn't, but that fleshly thought has entered my mind where I have thought about attending another church where I wasn't the pastor's wife and I could just serve in my own way. Woah! The devil can be wicked sometimes but don't get me wrong the Lord will put you back in your place.
4. Some days I love this position, others I question God as to why He chose me. There was not a "How to be a Pastor's Wife" or "Pastor's Wife for dummies" book handed to me at the beginning of our ministry, no rules, no guidelines. He equips us right where we are, we are all different but perfect in His sight.
5. It's hard to control my flesh to not lash out at church members. As pastor and pastor's wife we are very aware of the purpose of the local church and the calling that every follower of Jesus is called too and it's frustrating when we see believers neglecting the call.
6. I get frustrated when church goers treat church like a social club...enough said. 
7. I'm not perfect and sometimes I don't have all the answers. I don't have the bible memorized, I don't play piano and sometimes I hate being social. Just because I'm serving in one area doesn't mean it's my particular gift.
8. We are called to help the Bride get ready for the wedding. This is an honor and so very humbling but also so very heavy. That is why we want to hold each of you accountable, especially leaders within our church.
9. We are huge targets to the enemy. Pray for us.
10.You make the pastor's wife's day when you tell her husband what a good job he is doing.

After speaking with several pastor's wives I have developed this list of unspoken struggles.

If your a pastor's wife I pray you find comfort in knowing you are not alone in this calling.

If you are not I pray you find it in your heart to lift your pastor's and their wives in prayer! 

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