Thursday, February 26, 2015

Muddy footprints.

"When you come up the stairs leave your boots at the door." I say this quite often in the winter months. I'm really not that bothered by walking through the house in shoes any other season, but winter, the dirt, the mud, the tiny little rocks, the salt from the roads just really makes me crazy to see all over the floor. 
Let me set the stage for you. Two days prior I cleaned our entire house...floors...all hardwood...on my hands and knees. In preparation for a surprise you will hear about later. I don't usually work long hours, but one day this week I happened to work 11.5 hours straight, I left at 7:30am and it was almost 8pm when I pulled into our driveway. David was at a friends house, which I already knew. Walking up the basement steps to go into our kitchen, I was expecting to be greeted by our dog, who has been successfully trained to stay out of his kennel while we are not home! Insert proud puppy momma smile here. Instead the first thing that caught my eye was, you guessed it, A MUDDY FOOTPRINT! Err! I round the corner and their wasn't one but two more. I set my bag on the table to find not just three now but a whole trail. I instantly thought do I even want to follow this trail, because around another corner is a brand new hallway rug I just bought (white and beige to be exact). Silently pleading with my husband in my mind please, please, please tell me you stopped at the coat closet and didn't got any further in those muddy boots. He didn't. NINE MORE PRINTS!!! We're at a grand total of twelve if your counting, because Lord knows I was. Grabbing my phone, I text "I could kill you right now." "What, why" was his response. And off went my rant to him, me refusing to clean the prints up and lecturing him on not only that he was going to clean them but how he was going to clean them up. Later that night he came home, asking if I was still mad and me coldly responding of course I'm still mad. He cleaned up all twelve prints and the smell of the cleaning products infuriated me more. The next day came, David and I were fine, even laughed about, but it wasn't fine. 
The Lord was prodding my heart with Ephesians 4:29 it says"Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers." 

In the heat of the moment, I thought about being nice, I thought about cleaning the prints, but that is where I failed. I choose 'corrupt communication' my words did not edify my husband, nor minister grace. I fail my Lord daily, but in these muddy footprints and daily failures this is where He keeps me humble, where He keeps me relying on Him. I failed to listen to His knocking on my heart even in that moment when he said "just clean them up." I'm kicking myself now, and even though both David and myself were over it, I quietly whispered my apology to him for my words and my attitude, then followed suit in begging the Lord to give me more opportunities to to show His grace to others and to speak edifying words to others and especially my husband.