Friday, July 1, 2016

10 Prayers to pray for your Children, in the womb or out!

As our little ones arrival gets closer and closer we've found ourselves spending more time in here. Specifically my quiet time, as he's now become a huge portion of our prayer life (I feel certain this will remain the same for the rest of our lives). I was reading recently in Proverbs 31, an extremely popular passage for woman, but I find myself always adding that on to anything I'm currently reading and I have verses from that chapter written in several places to remind me of how I so desperately want to be like this woman. I know we all slip up sometimes, but I can't help but fervently pray that I always strive to be a woman of Nobel character for both my husband and now my son. That's tough and scary though. What if I'm not? What happens when I fall short? Let's be real, I know without HIM I will always fall short, but man isn't it awesome knowing that HE already knows that and still loves us? I sit in my sweet boys room and beg Him to mold me into the mother my son needs and the wife my husband requires and everytime I do I feel so undeserving of what gifts I've been given, what an opportunity I have to be a gracious wife and to be a nurturing mother. I pray I never forgot that for even a second. David and I prayed for our son before he was ever a little grey scaled figure on an ultrasound screen. I so encourage you if you don't have children yet or your not even married, pray for your future spouse, pray for your one day children! Pray for the children in your womb and pray for the ones holding your hand. I'm sharing a few of the prayers we have prayed for our little one below.

1.) We praise God that our child is fearfully and wonderfully made, and ask Him to continue knitting him together in the womb in the precise way He desires. (Psalm 139:13-14).
2.) We rejoice that all of our child’s days have been ordained by God (Psalm 139:16). Acknowledging that his days belong to Him, from the first to the last and every day in between. While God has given us our precious son, we recognize that He was never ours to begin with, but HIS.

3.) We pray that in time, the Holy Spirit would convict our child of his sin, and bring awareness of God’s righteousness and his coming judgment apart from salvation (John 16:8). We pray that he’ll never be deceived about the state of his heart before God (Matthew 7:21-23), never believing he’s saved if he isn’t and never doubting he’s saved if he is.
4.) We pray that God would give our child a heart that trusts in Him, leaning not on his own understanding, but acknowledging Him in all things. (Proverbs 3:5-6).
5.) We have asked God to grant our child a biblical fear of the Lord – an awareness of His holiness and His power, that inspires obedience. (Proverbs 9:10).
6.) We pray he will grow to love God’s Word and meditate on it throughout his days (Psalm 119:97).
7.) We pray that he would be great – not by intelligence or power or fame, but by serving others. (Mark 10:43-45).
8.) We pray that he would grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18).
9.) We pray God would grant him a heart that seeks justice, loves mercy, and walks humbly with God (Micah 6:8).
And so importantly in today's world...
10.) We pray that he would live as light in a dark world (Ephesians 5:8).

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