Thursday, June 30, 2016

38 weeks.

How far along? 38 weeks
Total weight gain: 17lbs. 
Maternity clothes? Maternity clothes, yes.  In public. Everyday. Non-maternity clothes, yes.  At home - not appropriate for public.  My non-maternity t-shirts and tanks are honestly the funniest thing you have ever seen. Its totally fine- its' hot, I'm very pregnant and I'm comfortable.
Sleep: Much to my surprise, very, very well most nights. I can complain about 1-2 nights a week. 
Best moment this week:  Seeing our baby boy in 3D we hadn't seen that since our 18 week gender ultrasound. Boy how incredible it is to have such technology in the world. My heart about leaped from my chest and I was ready to bring him into the world right that second. 

Lots of frustrations have been tied up with all this extra testing each week. We have had 3 ultrasounds for fluid checks in 8 days and while I love every opportunity to get to see this little guy, it has been super stressful on David and I each appointment is like holding your breath waiting for the moment to pass and while our doctor says everything is looking great, its still disheartening to have to be doing all of this so frequently. We are so grateful for both have jobs that are flexible so that we can do all these extra tests and work around schedules. We know that this is important and we are extra grateful for a medical team that is ensuring our baby is in the best of health, but darn it little man-GET HERE already! You are giving us a run for our money already.

Cravings:  I'm back on a sandwich kick and I've been indulging in it all to be quit honest because I know here in a few dayS this momma will NOT, I repeat will NOT be eating all them carbs!!
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, swelling, and just down right uncomfortable. Add in the heat, the swelling, and the inability to move around so well and well I'd rather just not even move... Although we have been getting in some extra pool time a few days here and there, and for those few hours I almost forget I'm pregnant. Even little boy enjoys the pool.
Looking forward to: We have been spending lots of time together just soaking up these last few days with each other before we become a family of three or should I say 5, I mean our dogs are our family too! We have been making excuses to just go get ice cream or just longer strolls around the yard and I am enjoying every moment in anticipation of having our little one with us so very SOON!

..I am mostly just dying to meet our little guy.  Eeeep - its like Christmas morning!  

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