Wednesday, July 6, 2016

39 weeks.

How far along? 39 weeks
Total weight gain: 18lbs. 
Maternity clothes? Maternity clothes are even becoming laughable these days. Luckily I'm done working now and I don't get much more dressed up than that pre-pool ensemble above.  
Sleep: I sleep, but ask me how I feel when I wake up! Boy I hope that disappears once little man is here! 
Best moment this week: Even though the holiday weekend wasn't filled with sun and swimming like we would of liked we still made the best of it. My sister (in law) and brother(in law) threw us the cutest couples shower and it was the best time ever! Just getting together with some friends and enjoying some time together before our little one gets here!
Cravings:  I can't say I'm craving anything, im all about having ice cream and cookies and milk! I've never been a sweet person, I person a bag of chips over anything but lately I'll take any excuse to make my way to an ice cream shop!
Symptoms: I had contractions two days this week but nothing consistent. I'm looking forward to going to the doctors this week in hopes of some sort of progress to be made!
Looking forward to: I'm technically on "vacation" this week so we have just been relaxing by the pool and just doing random things around the house that don't necessarily need done but we have nothing else to do but pass the time waiting on this little guy. 

Please pray our little one makes his appearance sometime in the next week. We really do not want to have to be induced! 

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