Monday, June 20, 2016

37 weeks + a baby boy update

I still cannot believe how quickly time has flown by since finding out we were expecting on a random Saturday in October.
God chuckled at my own plans for this last year and breathed life + reality into our hopes for a baby.
Here we are.  I'm in the last weeks or days.  Thats right, weeks..or days

How far along? 37 weeks
Total weight gain: 17 pounds (until I step on the scale Thursday)
Maternity clothes? Like I've mentioned time and time again - my all time favorite pregnancy wardrobe staple has been a maxi skirt, you just can't beat the comfort and the coolness. 
Sleep: Finding comfort has been really interesting this last month, but honestly I am sleeping really well.  I am getting into bed about 10pm and sleep until at least 4am before I wake to use the bathroom. I do wake up pretty sore though. 
Best moment this week: We got to peek in on our growing baby boy today and that is always a sweet treat! More on that below.
Miss Anything? Nada
Cravings:  I have zero desire for food right now. I don't feel the sensation of being hungry at all whatsoever. This baby boy is taking up all my space and my appetite, too. Choboni yogurt, fruit, ice cream and cereal have been my go to. 
Symptoms: Heavy belly.  Exhaustion.  The usual. 
Looking forward to: Meeting our sweet boy.  We are so ready.  I mean, really ready.  Nursery is done- his space is just precious and I cannot wait to share.  Baby items that we lacked have been purchased.  Bags are pretty much packed besides those last minute grab quick items.


He is 6 pounds of baby squishy-ness with the sweetest cheeks and lips. He is head down as he has been since 22 weeks and is sitting low. He has however dropped from the 64th percentile to the 53rd percentile (still in average range though). His amniotic fluid is much lower than our doctor would like to see. We already had a doctor appointment for Thursday so we are now having a Non Stress Test on Thursday as well where they will hook me up to a monitor for a 1/2 hour to an hour to monitor his movement and we will have another check of fluid on Friday with another ultrasound. If his fluid goes any lower from now until Friday it is possible that they will induce labor. 

I have been praying for the last nine months to not have to be induced or a c-section and I feel like this is the Lords way of preparing me for his ways and his plan, not mine. We have total faith in our doctor and most importantly the Lord. Please pray for our sweet boy in the next few days and for us! When the sonographer left the room and said she needed to call our doctor to see what he wanted to do I immediately looked at David and said "we can't have a baby today, I'm not ready." But in reality we are ready, at least as ready as we can be. Eek! We really are so ready to meet you baby boy.

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