Friday, February 26, 2016

20 weeks.

How far along? 20 weeks 
Total weight gain: Is it sad that I was just too scared to get on the scale this week, at our Thursday Dr. Appointment I was still at a 3lb weight gain since after the first trimester weight loss. 
Maternity clothes? Just pants, I can still squeeze into my non maternity pants BUT staying in them all day is the challenge. So as soon as the maternity pants are out of the wash I have them on!
Sleep:  It's getting better, I think I'm starting to get used to sleeping on my side.
Best moment this week: By far the best moment was seeing our sweet little one. Oh my heart!!  I wish for a sonogram every single week, just so I can see baby's precious face, fingers, toes, and mannerisms in the womb. Finding out our baby's gender was so extremely exciting for David and I and we cannot share with everyone.
Worst Moment this week:  Emotions. I can become highly agitated in the matter of a few short seconds. David would say nothing has changed but when I'm noticing it it must be more so. Plus now that we know the gender I feel like my anxiety has heightened more specifically in worry for this little babe. 
Miss Anything? This week I've been feeling pretty good, and I cannot say that I miss anything in particular related to pregnancy vs non- pregnancy
Cravings: Sandwiches mostly chicken sandwiches with fried chicken.  Because grilled chicken is gross to me now, so if I cannot see it (ahem.. its coated in breading..) then it doesn't bother me.
Symptoms: Besides tiring out more easily I feel great. I don't even feel like I'm pregnant most days until I feel this little babe start moving around.
Looking forward to:  Getting more invested into nursery decorating now that I know exactly what we're having. Thank goodness for secret Pinterest boards, my brain has been on overload thinking of all the possibilities. We knew we were doing neutrals with either gender but now I can channel that energy in a specific direction!

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