Thursday, February 4, 2016

17 weeks.

How far along? 17 weeks 
Total weight gain: -3 lbs still, but again I feel like I'm +20
Maternity clothes?  I'm down to one pair of jeans and leggings.. David promised me a trip to the maternity store this week. I've been dreading it.
Sleep: I'm sleeping great except for last night, I just couldn't get comfortable and was up with an aching back, still getting used to sleeping on my side.
Best moment this week: I officially got word of my raise and am officially transitioning into a new position
Worst Moment this week: The worst momentS happen every morning getting dressed. I even contemplated not going one morning because it was too frustrating. This in between stage stinks!!!
Miss Anything?  My old pants, R.I.P.
Cravings: I'm loving cereal, guacamole, chips and salsa. Also I'm craving Dr. Pepper so badly I've bought it twice through the drive through but only taken like three sips just enough to curb the craving and then j throw it out so I'm not tempted to drink the whole thing. I've been avoiding caffeine this whole time mostly because I have no desire for coffee.
Symptoms: I've been getting headaches frequently in the second trimester, which calls for an early bed time and I won't complain about an early bed time. 
Looking forward to:  I'm looking forward to getting the flooring down in the nursery this upcoming weekend. 

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