Wednesday, February 17, 2016

19 weeks.

How far along? 19 weeks 
Total weight gain:  I'm officially at my prepregnancy/pre first trimester weight loss weight. I've gained the 3lbs I lost, I'm guessing it's only up from here. :X  
Maternity clothes? Half and half. I got some maternity pants this past week!!! Best thing I've done in weeks! Hello comfort! 
Sleep: Way, way, way, too good.  Honestly, I am sleeping 7-9 hours at night, and I definitely could sleep longer.
Best moment this week: Celebrating Daddy's birthday, it didn't hit us until after the weekend that this was the last Valentines and last birthday with just the two of us, how exciting! 
Worst Moment this week: Being sick this week. Also can't wait to get to the doctor about head headaches I've been having them about 4 times a week. 
Miss anything? Sleeping on my stomach, that's my most comfortable position and it's just not working.       
Cravings: Salads of any and every kind, Chicken sandwiches, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, milk, the list really could go on and on.
Symptoms:  headaches and backaches, boo :(
Looking forward to: Our growth scan!  We get to see baby this week for the first time since we were 8 weeks - and I cannot wait.  I'm exited for gender but I really, really can't wait to see this littles face and hands and feet. 

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