Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Welp.  That was the fastest 182 days of my life.  It literally feels like yesterday that we brought this baby boy home from the hospital.  Here we are an entire half of a year gone by. 
The end of his first summer. 
His first Halloween.
..and then we are coming up on all the other holidays soon!
I  still cannot believe some days that he is ours.  Our sweet, happy, baby boy.  All wrapped into the perfect little package.

What?!??  No.  Time you are just the biggest bully!

remember what he looked like just 26 weeks ago??
this leetle babe!!

Titus at SIX months

Weight: 15 pounds 15oz (15th percentile)
Birth: 6 lbs 8oz
Height: 26.25 in (21st percentile)
Birth: 19 in
Head:  43.8 cm (55th percentile)

We took Titus in for his 6 month check up! 

He's gained two pounds and has grown half an inch since his last well visit at 4 months.   

Dr. Tony gave him the once over and listened to his lungs, checked his ears- all clear! Impressed with his sitting ability, attentive demeanor and how calm he was while he checked him out.

Whats new...

  • Sitting.  He's almost perfected the seated position and will sit unassisted pretty well for several minutes while he plays.  Still a work in process, but it won't be long before he's able to do it all the time on his own.
  • Speaking of giggles: he is so easy to make laugh. It. Is. the. Greatest.
  • Loves to play.  he prefers to play either in his jumper or on the floor.  He LOVES tummy time! He rolls all over the place to get to where he needs to go and plays with anything in arms reach. 
  • Recognition.  He definitely recognizes faces now.  He started this a little last month- but this month he knows and recognizes his people.
  • He really loves his mama.  He likes his daddy pretty well, but when I walk into his eye's line of view his whole face lights up, especially when its time for his to eat, and I've never felt more proud to be his mama!Melt. My. Heart.
  • Reaching.  He's started reaching out to be held.  It is the sweetest.
  • He's not crawling yet but he will lift his whole chest, arms and head/neck off the floor and kick and scoot his legs like he wants to go somewhere. 
  •  He is still a social little boy and wants to be in the mix of everything all the time. 
  • Teething.  We have two bottom teeth!
  • He totally digs the ergo360.  Daddy and I wear him any time we go out and in the house when he just wants to be held. We don't mind.
  • Bathtime is his FAVORITE.  If he is fussy- which happens in the evenings close to bed time, We stick him in the bathtub and his entire mood changes.  He loves it!  I think once he's sitting up in the bathtub he will love it even more.
  • Titus is still in size 2 diapers- but size three diapers are coming very soon-as soon as we finish up the 2s we opened!, wearing 3-6 months and 6 month sleepers.

E A T 

According to those rolls that line his legs- he has no problem eating his way through his little life. I am still nursing him. I am home about 3-4 days a week when I can nurse him for every feeding- and while I'm away those other days he gets two bottles of breast milk.  We started food at 6 months exactly, since that's what was recommended to use by my doctor and Titus’ since he is strictly breastfed. We haven't been feeding Titus food for nutrition as much as we have just been letting him play and taste foods. 

His favorites:
Sweet Potatoes

P L A Y / D E V E L O P M E N T

He can pick up his toys or objects and flips them over and back to see what it looks like from all sides.  His balance has improved and he can sit for longer periods of time. Titus definitely prefers being on his belly and has learned to maneuver himself from a wobbly sitting position to his tummy. I usually lay a blanket out on the floor with his favorite toys and he is happy as a clam just playing away.

That little voice is still as talkative as ever and sometimes he is just my quiet sweet boy. 


We are still not consistent in this department as far as the time he wakes, it could be anywhere from 4am to 8am. If he wake at 4 or 5am he usually goes back to sleep after nursing. 

Bedtime is about 8pm.  Typically he will sleep until 4am and wake to eat again.  Most of the time he will go right back down- and usually sleeps in the morning until about 8am. Lately he's been napping (FINALLY!!!) one solid nap during the day around 12pm every day.
Most of the time we nap really great for 2 solid hours and then sometimes its just one hour.  


My sweetest boy.  You are growing way too quick for me.
I remember those last couple weeks of pregnancy, anxiously waiting for your arrival and constantly daydreaming of who you would be.  I couldnt imagine what it would be like adding you to the mix.. and now that you are part of our lives and I know your every laugh, every baby cry and every look that you get in your eyes, we couldn't imagine life without you. 
This month you have definitely come in to your own. 
Your personality is really shining through these days- especially when you have the attention of mom or dad.  Like limbs flailing around happy.. and if you make eye contact and say your name its never without a big ol' grin!  Speaking of grins- you are smiling so much these days!  And when you do, it is the most adorable thing your daddy and I have ever seen, especially with those 2 bottom teeth peeking out.  AHH. I. DIE. It's a very joyful smile: your eyes brighten, and your mouth opens in a huge grin. Our days have become much busier and more active lately as we spend our days exploring everything.  I cant have anything within arms reach without you grabbing, swatting, or slapping at it. You impress me every.single.day.  For me to say that you are just amazing is an understatement.  The phrase “ I love you so much. ” comes out of my mouth at least 3 times a day.  At least.  See also, "you're so stinkin cute." Always smiling, always laughing, always looking for the attention, but then again, totally content playing in your own little world of toys and anything else you can get your hands into. 

Blonde wispy hair.
sweet, soft cheeks.
Soft belly.
and those pretty bright shiny eyes.
Definitely one of a kind.  There is absolutely no one like you, baby boy.
My favorite thing you do right now is your gummy grin with two shiny teeth!

Each day with you brings something new to remember and I’m so thankful for your happy spirit. 
I cannot imagine my days before you, Titus.
I simply adore you pieces. 


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