Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Here we are again with time flying out from under me,  there is something so sad about saying I have a 7 month old. I think it is because we have jumped that half a year old mark and we are just high tailing it to his first birthday. He is closer to ONE than my itty bitty newborn.  he's grown exponentially over the last 30 days and from what I can recall, I think this is the most he's changed in just one month's time- even though it makes me sad to say he is getting older I do love it -  I can say that this month has been my favorite so far. I am absolutely loving this age.

whats new...

  • big boy baths.  we've had so many 'baby's firsts' this month- one of which is baths sitting up in the tub. 
  • scooting.  all over the place.  he doesn't quite get himself in the crawling position just yet, but we are so there.  he will get nearly on all fours and then start rocking. i can set him down and walk out of the room for a second and he is on the other side. 
  • sitting.  100% unassisted and prefers it this way. 
  • laughing.  those big belly laughs-TO. DIE. FOR.
  • interaction + reaching.  his interaction with toys, the dogs, and other people around him has improved a lot.  he reaches for people he wants to be held by and definitely plays the 'look hard with a huge grin to get attention and then bury my head somewhere to be shy' game.  totally precious.
  • Canaan wears size three diapers and 6(-9) months in clothes.


He loves to eat-anything. I haven't been too crazy with spacing out all the foods he is offered.. at least the low allergy types- roasted sweet potato,  squash, rice, apples, banana, avocado, chicken, and oatmeal.

P L A Y / D E V E L O P M E N T

play time has become much more interactive. he has started to figure out how to turn the pages of a book to see something new.  we will sit him in the middle of  the floor with some toys and within just a few moments he's scooted and rolled himself over to the side to get the toy he wants or caught his eye.  scooting- goodness hes' a pro.  so, the smart little cookie will get what he needs without worrying too much with the technical movements to do so.  
he loves anything that makes noise or lights up.. and if it doesn't make noise, he's banging whatever he can find to force sound out of it.
Titus loves to play, but wants someone close by. he will play in the exersaucer for 30 solid minutes if the Canaan is around entertaining him.  he has gotten so much better at entertaining himself. He will sit and play contently for quite a while all on his own before he wants someone to play with him.

he loves to sit in the front of the cart and would be far too angry if we left him in the car seat to walk about the grocery store- even for a quick trip.  he's too cute though, so I don't mind.

Brother gave him some teether pillows LOL

this little boy is an amazing sleeper. he sleeps from 8pm to 4am and then eats and goes back to sleep until 8am. Dad has finally taken over nighttime feedings! 

Titus wont just nap anywhere- he wants to be in his crib, and I don't blame him- its comfortable.  but we have made a real habit of always letting him sleep in the same place around the same time.. so naps in the car our just randomly falling asleep wherever isn't the norm.  

he struggles when he is away from home to nap, but I think he is starting to get more comfortable. He almost always gives us a good solid 1.5-2 hour nap when we are at home on his normal schedule and most of the time we try and stay around the house so we can let him get in at least one good nap during the day.

typical sleep routine
wake: 8am
nap: 12:00pm-2:00pm
bedtime: 8:00pm


sweetest Titus.
you are every bit of the little boy I imagined you would be when I dreamed about you while you were in the womb.  you are most definitely a mama's boy, but you love your daddy too.  I cant even express to you the joy I feel inside when you reach for me. your heart is solid gold.  that smile of yours is ever so contagious and I cannot get over what a little gem you are, both inside and out.  we giggle and are silly together all day and I am reminded of how very blessed I am.

your baby hairs stick straight up-ALL THE TIME.   you are using your fingers and hands like a pro- grasping your toys and food and even the smallest little speck on the ground.  its really amazing to watch you observe  all of your surroundings, you are amazed by life and I'm catching myself learning to be more amazed at the world we live in. 

seven month photo dump.

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