Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A Letter to My Husband: Our Third Anniversary

Can you believe it has already been 3 years since we said, “I do.”? When I think back to that day, I see myself as a clueless young girl. I remember thinking marriage with you was going to be great, all I could see was bliss in the future for us. I never saw hard days, but boy did they come, but the happiness and joy I saw was nothing to what I have experienced I. Our marriage. But since that day....I now know that the Lord has been with us every single day of our journey together. Growing up I never imagined I would ever be as happy & loved as I am with you and it's not because you tell me, but because you show me your love for me. I pray one day our sons become such a man as you because of your example. I pray our daughters never settle for less than the example I know you will set forth for them. I don’t tell you enough how much you mean to me and how honored and humbled I am that God chose me to be your wife. I know I am not the easiest person to love, but with God’s help I hope to be the wife you truly deserve! I can truly see the way Christ loves, in the way you love. You give so much of yourself to those you love and care for. Even those who don’t deserve it, that being myself at times. Witnessing this remarkable attribute of yours makes me want to do better, be better, love better. 
I know you have many dreams and I pray you are able to chase them all one day. But you should know that you fulfill all of my wildest dreams! To have someone love and adore me the way you do is much more than some people get to experience in a lifetime. And I found that love so early on. I thank God every day for you and our marriage. Can’t wait to see what the next 3 years look!!

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