Monday, August 15, 2016

How to: Sunbleaching

My little guy had his first blow out in a onesie that belonged to his cousin. The event was quiet hilarious. David decided to take charge of this one and I followed suit for entertainments sake. Thanks to the nifty trick on Pinterest I learned onesies can be pulled down over their bodies instead of up over their heads and leaving a mess. After David had the onesie off he proceeded to throw the onesie away and I had to stop him informing him that the onesie wasn't ours (I had borrowed a few newborn items from my sister in law because I didn't have very many newborn size clothes and I didn't think he would be in them very long) much to his disgust he replied "well who wants it back?, give it to them right now." Needless to say I didn't bag it up and give it back to them in that condition. In comes sunbleaching... I didn't even know it was a thing, maybe you've heard of it and I'm just clueless but I washed said onesie in the honest brand laundry detergent and I sprayed the stains with dreft stain remover. Once washed it was placed in the dryer and came out looking like this..
... With the all too familiar dingy yellowed spot that frequents most baby clothes found in second hand stores. I then took the onesie and laid it in direct sunlight for 6 hours and I found it on my sidewalk looking just like this...
...TADA! It's magic I swear! I've done this a few times so far and it amazes me every single time! 
Let me know if you have done this before!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A Letter to My Husband: Our Third Anniversary

Can you believe it has already been 3 years since we said, “I do.”? When I think back to that day, I see myself as a clueless young girl. I remember thinking marriage with you was going to be great, all I could see was bliss in the future for us. I never saw hard days, but boy did they come, but the happiness and joy I saw was nothing to what I have experienced I. Our marriage. But since that day....I now know that the Lord has been with us every single day of our journey together. Growing up I never imagined I would ever be as happy & loved as I am with you and it's not because you tell me, but because you show me your love for me. I pray one day our sons become such a man as you because of your example. I pray our daughters never settle for less than the example I know you will set forth for them. I don’t tell you enough how much you mean to me and how honored and humbled I am that God chose me to be your wife. I know I am not the easiest person to love, but with God’s help I hope to be the wife you truly deserve! I can truly see the way Christ loves, in the way you love. You give so much of yourself to those you love and care for. Even those who don’t deserve it, that being myself at times. Witnessing this remarkable attribute of yours makes me want to do better, be better, love better. 
I know you have many dreams and I pray you are able to chase them all one day. But you should know that you fulfill all of my wildest dreams! To have someone love and adore me the way you do is much more than some people get to experience in a lifetime. And I found that love so early on. I thank God every day for you and our marriage. Can’t wait to see what the next 3 years look!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Where these last four weeks have flown to is beyond me.  I feel like we just came home from the hospital and there is no way we have been new parents to this perfect baby boy for that long already.
He really is perfect- as I'm sure all parents would say of their sweet new baby.
Proud mama bear right here.
While I feel like he was born j u s t last week, he has changed so much since we first met him four weeks ago.  
I am pretty sure we have arm rolls.
..and leg rolls 
..and a double chin.
I've never been so excited about chubbiness.
Not too happy about his one month check up.

We visited Dr. Broering's office yesterday morning for his one month appointment, and he was pleased with how much he has grown!  This boy has packed on the ounces since his last visit 2 weeks ago - I was actually surprised when the scale bounced just 1.5 ounces away from eight pounds!
Wearing newborn diapers and newborn size clothes - although all those 0-3 month clothes hanging in your closet are not too far off from fitting.

Canaan at ONE month
Weight: 7 pounds 14.5 ounces (6th percentile)
Birth: 6 lbs 9 oz
Height: 21 in (26th percentile)
Birth: 19.5 in
Head: 36 cm (15th percentile)

Canaan is an exceptional eater! I was so glad to have a good initial experience in nursing with Canaan. I was honestly nervous for how it was going to go. So far so good- breastfeeding has continued to go well over these last four weeks.  Canaan eats about every 2-3 hours during the day and will sleep in 4-5 hours between feedings throughout the night.

Daddy fed Canaan his first bottle.. not sure why he has no clothes on..Momma wasn't home. 

We held off on offering the paci at first - and he still isn't quiet sure of it mostly because he has been a big fan of his thumb, fist, and arm- so much so that he has left sucker bites on his arms. The behavior therapist in me has been trying to replace that behavior with the paci, because, well, I can throw those away in the future - his extremities I can not. Its taken some work to get him to learn about what he is actually supposed to do with it, but I think we are figuring it out.  

He likes to do it himself

We haven't exactly done any sort of 'play' during this first month, but Canaan is really strong and will hold his head and upper body up for several minutes while laying on our chest or being carried on our shoulder- he loves to observe his surroundings! Canaan can roll to his side which took me by surprise at first because he was on our bed and I didn't really think anything of it but then we has him on the floor on two different other occasions and sure enough he rolled to his sides multiple times. He also has rolled from his belly to his back about three times *sigh* I surely didn't think that would happen so soon. Canaan has started to focus on objects close to his face and respond to light (television) and acknowledge a familiar voice.  We have even heard a few coos, just last evening Canaan was napping in his crib for the first time and he woke up crying and I went in to get him and as soon as he saw my face above his before I even picked him up he made the sweetest sound and instantly stopped crying. I literally felt my heart in my throat. Ok actually I cried..

Thankful for the healthy sleeping babe that he is.  He is awake during the daytime hours for about 45 minutes to an hour between feedings and will fall sleep the last 45 minutes to an hour before he's ready to eat again.  At night he will sleep about 4.5 hours after the last feeding before I go to bed, and then wake again about 3.5 hours after that.. ultimately I am waking 2-3 times through the night to nurse him. Last night he woke only ONCE!!

He sleeps really, really well on his tummy.  Usually after the first feeding of the morning (often between 6am-7am) I'll lay him on his tummy next to me if I am not going back to sleep after nursing him.  I bet if he were to sleep at night like this he would already be sleeping through.  Not happening, but just saying.

 C A N A A N
Boy, you have hung the moon in this house. You have found your voice- and even still your cry is the most precious thing.  You pout your lip out in between the 'wah' whaling and make it known when you are unhappy.  
diaper changes + hunger + gas pains + baths get you worked up the most.  I've also never heard a little babe like yourself hiccup the way you do.  You get them a couple times a day and working them out can be a task, but we get through it just fine.  This is no surprise because you would get the hiccups while in my tummy, daily.
You have the most expressive facial movements - I love love love your sleepy grins, wrinkling of your nose, and pursing of your lips.  No real grinning just yet, but I think we are close..I can see the smile in your eyes and thats almost just a great as a big cheesy grin.  Your little noises are the most precious. You are coming more and more into developing who you are.  In one moment I see an exact replica of your daddy - your little eyes are nearly identical to his, and in the same glance I see myself, its your nose that resemble mine the most.
I really cannot wait to see what month 2 has to bring - how you will grow and change over the next four weeks.
You make me (and your daddy) so happy.  
I miss you when I sleep.
I miss you when you sleep.
I wish we could just snuggle all day long.  You give the best snuggles.
I still cant believe we have been blessed by you for one whole month already.
How perfectly you fit our little family.