Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Letter to my Husband-Our First Anniversary!

David Cole,
I am always at a loss for words when it comes to expressing exactly just how I feel about our love. As our first anniversary has come and gone so fast, just as this past year has, I can’t help but think what you have taught me about love, instead of what has been felt. You love me just the way God created me, with every imperfection that you have never tried to change. You see past my outward flaws into the depths of my heart and you love me just the same. Just one look from you and all my anxieties turn to nothing. Despite decisions I’ve made in the past and uncertainties we will face together in the future, you remind me how BIG our God is and to trust His plan. You lead our marriage by putting God first and us second. You are dedicated to integrity, just as I spoke in my wedding vows, you are a man whose integrity shines like a diamond in the dust. You are always there to greet me with a warm hug after a long day and a night never goes by without a good night kiss. Our first year of marriage has been full of many mountains and valleys but in those challenging moments we are reminded of the vows we promised each other that beautiful summer afternoon on August 10th, 2013.
I love you forever and always.

1 comment :

  1. Jessica Lauren,

    Thank you for always magnifying my strengths, and so graciously forgiving my weaknesses (which are just as many). You are the reason I am who I am, and the way I am. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me day after day. They say behind every good man, there is a better woman, and that's so true. I'd like to add that behind every better woman, there is a BIG GOD. All the glory be to Him!

    Loving you forever and always,
    David Cole
