Monday, March 2, 2020


our sweet T is nine whole months.  I could probably say that this is my favorite age.  but then last month was also my favorite age.  oh and 6 months was great.  I cant even begin to express how much joy this little tiny human brings our family.  I'm like a broken record!  but for real.   he smiles and my world melts around me and I want 47 more babies just like him.
look at this face.  it took 9 whole months but we finally have the greatest depiction of his personality.
this.  the scrunched up nose.  the squinty eyes.  and you guys- the smile from ear to ear that show every inch of his gums and FOUR teeth.
you know what else?  I'm planning his first birthday party.  

 he's completely changed!  from that sweet sleepy babe to the spunky little thing he is now. 

Canaan at NINE months
Weight: 20 pounds  1 ounces ( 52nd percentile)
Birth: 6 lbs 8 oz
Height:  28.5 in ( 44th percentile)
Birth: 19.25 in
Head:   45.7 cm ( 65th percentile)

we visited Dr. Tony for Titus' nine month well visit and he's growing like a weed!  he is 4 whole pounds heavier than his big brother was at this age! 

Titus at nine months is b u s y.
probably an understatement.

  • baby giggles. we have the best belly laugh!   he giggles all the time and I cannot get enough.
  • he gives the best kisses. seriously. 
  • goes from sitting to standing position.
  • baby steps!!! around his crib he has cruised the whole way around his crib waiting for me to come get him. 
  • loves to play.  Titus plays independently, but loves to be right by his big brother, where he is, titus is sure to be right behind them! 
  • he has mastered the pincer grasp but still prefers the hold his foods full fisted.
  • he has started to seek out attention from others and will interact with giggles and vocally-extremely vocal. His brother and him get into screaming matches.  
  • he is SO ticklish!  he buckles over in belly giggles when you tickle his belly.  
  • he LOVES balls, he has just begun to chase them around the house. 
  • wearing size 3 diapers + 9-12 month sleepers and 9-12 mos. clothes.


we have incorporated a pretty regular eating schedule over the last month or so.  adding in more meals and snacks throughout the day, and he doesn't seem to mind!  
most days while I am away at work (2-3 days/week) he takes two (6oz) bottles. 

as far as FOOD food goes- he is starting to enjoy it more. self feeding is still something we are working on. he will pick it up but typically will not put it in his mouth.  He eats basically anything. he eats everything we eat. 

he loves the food+grain pouches and I love them for the convenience.  we are still doing a combination of baby led weaning and purees. we use the pouches when we are on the go or for a quick lunch.  


Titus continues to sleep well through the night- goes down around 8pm and will sleep until about 6:30am, about 60% of the week he wakes once to eat and go back to sleep.
MOST of the time he will nap once, he just has never been a napper, which baffles me still 9 months later. 

typical sleep routine
6:30 am: wake
11:30a/12p-1:30p/2p: nap
8:00pm: bedtime

P L A Y / D E V E L O P M E N T

his personality is emerging more and more every day. he is always on the move all day. He’s super fast and we have to watch him like a hawk! He’s into everythaaaaang!!!  last month he was on the move, but it was slow and easily controlled.  my how things have changed!  


My sweet boy, you are 9 months!! How does this happen?! I literally blink and you are a month older. you're basically waking up every morning with a new skill.. keeping us on our toes!  The number scares me more so than seeing you grow. the change and difference I see in you nearly on a daily basis is so rewarding.  you light up our world little boy.   

now that you've found your giggle box I swear you'll never stop.
and we LOVE you for it.  we love you for this everlasting and never-ending joy you bring into this house.  you make it full.  I mean, you just get better and better- and literally kill me dead when you lock eyes with your mama and smile at me from across the room. 
you are the best snuggler.  you put your head on my shoulder and its just the sweetest thing. whether you are sleepy, cranky, or just want some mama love- I don't really care the reasons for it. just never stop doing it!

these last 9 months of getting to know you have been just incredible, Titus Crete
there is nothing like your smile, nothing like your happy, nothing like your contagious belly giggles.
..and nothing like you, sweet boy.
how lucky I am to be your mama.
we love you baby boy.  
you are the most special tiny person and life is so beautiful with you in it!

nine month photo dump.

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