Tuesday, November 8, 2016

What I did on my way to vote this morning.

I cried on our way to vote this morning. Cried for our future, cried for my son's future, cried for those hanging their hope in a candidate instead of Jesus. Took my little one with us before dropping him off at his Glamma's for the day and before myself ad his dad went to work, mostly because I want to instill in him the great privilege we have as American's to exercise our right to vote. No at 4 months old he cannot vote, but I couldn't vote either when I was much younger but I remember vividly going with my parents, entering behind a curtain with them and my father letting me pull the lever when he was finished. I never knew who he voted for but I do remember how important I thought he was, because lets face it, it is IMPORTANT! I don't think I could look any member of our military in the eye and tell them "I didn't vote." I'd even be so bold to say that if we don't vote, we are saying they are not important. I believe history will be made today in some way or another, I want my son to know he was apart, hopefully for the good of our country. I want my son to know that he is important, that his voice is important and his parents voted for many reasons but one being for him. We as parents have vowed to always always vote and we will always take him and teach him of the great privilege so that one day he will get to make his own choices.

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