Tuesday, March 15, 2016

23 weeks.

How far along? 23 weeks 
Total weight gain: 5 pounds
Maternity clothes? Wearing mostly maternity clothes and non-maternity sweats around the house.  In this picture I'm actually wearing non maternity clothes and .5secs after the pic was taken the sweats were on. 
Sleep: THEEE best ever.
Best moment this week: Hearing little guys heartbeat, our Doctor commented how he has been steady at 145 at every appointment. There is something so sweet about hearing the echo of the wooshing and thumping of his little heart beating inside of me. 
Worst Moment this week: Worst moment of the week was probably when my parents cancelled Sunday dinner and we had to eat McDonald's for dinner. I know my dilemmas are just earth shattering. The worst was the 20 minute wait for food when I finally sent my poor husband up to demand our food, trust me he was much nicer than I would of been.
Miss Anything? Laying on my back or stomach, it's like the feeling that something is so close but so far away. Not fun. I am just not cut out for side sleeping. 
Cravings: Chicken, in any form, sandwich, crispy, grilled, fried Fruit. Fruit. Fruit. Strawberries and granola and cereal. This summer and the wealth of fruit is going to be amazing.
Symptoms: I have seriously been struggling with shortness of breath, I could walk and walk in this nice weather and not get short of breath, but random other things have me short of breath, like eating-such a chore haha.
Looking forward to: We have been piecing together his nursery pretty quickly! We have been finding random things here and there and then I place them in his room knowing quite well we have plenty of time to organize and put things together but then I can't stand it and I have David in the garage for a hammer and drill before too long. We have his changing table that is an old dresser we repurposed. We finished his closet  with custom made shelves by Daddy. I added a picture of his rug I got on target clearance (who can't resist a red Target clearance sticker?!)  My parents got his crib and it's coming this week so I can't wait to see it. I've been dreaming of this crib for forever it is identical to mine as a baby only in white! I can't wait for it to all come together (I'll be SOME sharing details, soon, not all because we have a sign coming for above his crib with his name ;) )  This continues to be my favorite thing to look forward to - but the entire idea of preparing for his arrival gives me excited butterflies in my stomach.

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