Friday, January 8, 2016

13 weeks

How far along? 13 weeks 
Total weight gain: -3 lbs, not quite sure where exactly it went because this belly is saying otherwise. 
Maternity clothes?  No, not really.  I am starting to feel it in my pants though.
Sleep:  I think most of the first trimester fatigue is over now, I was napping during the day and then having a hard time staying asleep at night. Now I'm not napping and sleeping so good, if not too good at night.                     
Best moment this week:  News of a raise, I will be receiving a $12/hr. raise over the next three months, the Lord just always, always, always provides for us and our sweet child already! Praise the Lord.
Worst Moment this week: When I came home from work mid day and decided I needed to change my pants because I was so uncomfortable. Getting dressed is becoming a chore.     
Miss Anything? I'm missing sleeping straight through the night. The midnight pee breaks keep me up much longer than they should.
Cravings: Pineapple, eggs and cereal are my current favorite foods and the water consumption is at an all time high, a water bottle isn't far from my reach at all times. In the early weeks it was all things unhealthy, so things are looking up.
Symptoms:  Exhaustion and food aversion. I've started making dinner several times - and the smells ruin any chances of me eating it.  The first trimester morning or all day sickness has seemed to pass for good! 
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender!  I can't stand myself. I'm so anxious to find out. I still have no inclination of what baby may be, I've dreamed of a little boy though!

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