Thursday, July 24, 2014

DIY Drink Station

You may have seen the pallet drink station that has been floating around Facebook and Pinterest, I know I have seen it shared and pinned a few times. There are a million things to do with pallets, I haven't counted but if you search it out you can find that you can do just about anything imaginable with a pallet. I have become a tad bit obsessed. I have found myself wanting to buy odd things thinking "A pallet would look cute painting and hanging on that!!" Am I crazy? More than likely! The backyard has been my little project (by the way my husband wouldn't call it little) this summer, we added a back porch and most people wouldn't decorate and add a theme to it but of course I just had too! So I chose a nautical theme for the backyard and thought I would try my hand at the pallet drink station. I have made my dad my personal pallet scouter, he has become really good! I even got him into the whole pallet obsession! So my dad was able to find me two pallets that sized up fairly well. I was able to lay the pallets out in our garage and get to painting. As you can see I didn't paint them perfectly on purpose, I wanted them to have that shabby, rustic feel. So I used just one coat of white paint and just brushed it on not minding if the paint didn't cover some parts. We then laid the pallets on top of each other and drilled them together to make one piece. I then stood them both up next to our house, debating several times as to were to put them. Luckily we had some gravel already along the part of the house I chose and that made them stand up well. Now the pictures online show only three paving stones laid on top so naturally I only grabbed three, but as you can see I used four 12x12 stones. I turned my pallets the other way to see if I could get away with three stones that way and I was still short, so I will say that it depends on the size of your pallets and which way you want your pallet standing. Oh and measure before you head out to the Home Depot, that would have saved me an extra trip. Adding to the drink station was some nautical themed bunting because who can resist a little burlap bunting?!?
Share with me your drink station ideas!

1 comment :

  1. Too cute! I love it. I have been wanting to make pallet couches for two years now for the porches. Have you seen those? They are super cute! Then you can make your own cushions. Lol
